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03-02-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-02-93 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 2, 1993 3 <br />not allowed by City Code until the soil has settled for one <br />year. Even if the trenches did not terminate in fill, the <br />City Code does not provide an exemption from the springtime <br />water level monitoring. Also of concern is the vital impact <br />of these mounds being 9-10 feet above street level. <br />Derrick delayed installing the approved curtain drain system <br />until March, 1992. Water level readings commenced in April, <br />1992. There was insufficient time between the installation <br />and testing for the full benefit of the curtain drain system <br />to be realized. Additional sand drain work was done by <br />Derrick at the end of May, 1992. <br />Bohrer recommended that Derrick be allowed to retest, in <br />lieu of their request to add additional fill and not retest, <br />this spring on the existing mounds. No additional fill <br />should be considered until the effectiveness of the <br />previously allowed improvements can be measured. <br />Bohrer encouraged council action this evening because he <br />would not want to delay a decision that would not provide <br />the applicants sufficient time to do the spring type <br />testing. If this proposal doesn't pass, then we are into <br />another season of testing. This testing needs to commence <br />around the beginning of April. If the applicant chooses to <br />do another round of testing, there is some work that has to <br />be done before that testing can occur. Tom Radio and Roger <br />Derrick agreed with the City Engineer. <br />If this Spring's round of testing show that they meet the <br />separation distance, but still needed less than 2' of fill <br />to achieve some type of cover requirements, Roger Derrick <br />asked if that could be done. Bohrer responded that, then they <br />would have satisfied the septic system requirements, but <br />they still would need to get approval for a revised grading <br />plan to change the top elevation of the mounds. <br />Attorney Filla recommended the council consider making a <br />motion to deny the request for the reasons given by the City <br />Engineer. If the developer wants to do the retesting, he <br />knows there is a certain timeline he has to do that in. If <br />he wants to come back and request that the city reconsider <br />its final grading plan for these three lots, that is his <br />choice. At that point the city can consider the <br />presentation of the impact and make their decision. <br />Tom Radio suggested the entire issue be tabled. It may <br />become moot or may be necessary for additional testimony, <br />but you have not prejudged the whole issue at this time. <br />Filla was not legally opposed to what Mr. Radio was <br />suggesting, but the record should make it clear that if it <br />is going to be tabled, it is with the developer's consent <br />and with the understanding that he is responsible for <br />conducting that series of tests this Spring consistent with <br />
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