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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 2, 1993 5 <br />M/S/P Johnston/Johnson - to grant a variance to Section <br />308.060.D1A of the Shoreland District and grant a variance <br />to the Section 301.050B3 of the zoning code to Charlotte <br />Morgan and Mark Fritsch, 4563 Birch Bark Trail N., for the <br />purpose of constructing an 18' x 22, addition based on the <br />following reasons: (Motion carried 3-0). <br />" 1. that the addition does not encroach upon the distance <br />between the OHWM any further than the existing <br />dwelling. <br />2. that the addition cannot logically be placed on any <br />other side of the house. <br />3. that there exists now vegetative screening. <br />4. that the DNR does not object to the addition. <br />5. that there is no objection to the request by the <br />neighbors. <br />6. that the existing septic system is adequate for the <br />addition because it does not add a bedroom, but <br />expands upon the existing bedroom and there is <br />adequate room for expansion of the drainfield. <br />B. Minor Subdivision with Variances: Gene Peltier <br />Resolution No. 93-11 <br />Council member Karen Johnston indicated she received a phone <br />call from Todd Williams urging the Council not to grant this <br />minor subdivision because it involves variances to the <br />Residential Estates ordinance which he thought would not be <br />necessary and should not be granted. <br />M/S/P Johnston/Johnson - to approve Resolution No. 93-11, ae <br />amended (add property address: 220 Lake Elmo Avenue N.), <br />granting a minor subdivision with variances to Gene Peltier. <br />(Motion carried 3-0). <br />C. Ordinance Amending Section 212 Heritage Preservation <br />of the Lake Elmo Municipal Code <br />The State Historic Preservation Program Specialist, Michael <br />Koop, informed the LEHPC that Ordinance 8062 and 8063 were <br />not acceptable to the State and would not qualify Lake Elmo <br />to participate in the certified local government (CLG) <br />program. <br />At the February 3rd meeting, the Heritage Preservation <br />Commission recommended the following changes: <br />