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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 2, 1993 7 <br />In regard to Karen Chandler's report dated February 5, 1993, <br />which identifies various options for the discharge of water <br />from Olson Lake Estates Pond, Attorney Filla suggested the <br />VBWD utilize the Long Lake Option at the present time before <br />an emergency arises so that there will be adequate storage <br />capacity in the Pond to accommodate spring runoff. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Johnston - to direct the city attorney to <br />prepare a resolution advising the VBWD the City has reviewed <br />Karen Chandler's engineering report dated February 5th, 1993 <br />and that the City Council urges the Watershed District to <br />adopt a contingency plan and recommends the Long Lake <br />Option. (Motion carried 3-0). <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John and Council member Johnston reported on the <br />meeting with State Representatives Neary and Perlt and <br />Oakdale Mayor Ted Bearth and council member Timmerman. <br />Mayor John and other council members will visit the owners <br />in Section 32/33 to establish what their true interests are <br />on the assumption there is a sewer line going through. A <br />collection of information should be completed for the next <br />meeting scheduled for Friday, March 12. <br />M/S/P John/Johnston - to authorize Bruce Folz, surveyor, to <br />do the investigation of the Order by the Municipal Board, <br />not to exceed $1,500, and report back in all possible haste <br />before the March 12th meeting with Oakdale. (Motion carried <br />3-0). <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Purchasing Policy <br />The Council received a city purchasing policy revised by the <br />Maintenance Advisory Committee. The MAC has suggested the <br />use of the Capital Improvement Plan form and the Request for <br />Purchase/Repair. Finance Director Marilyn Banister reviewed <br />the new purchasing policy and indicated she had no problem <br />with it. <br />The MAC recommended amending the Requisition for <br />Purchase/Repair to include: Reason for Need:, Mileage for <br />Hourly Meter Reading:, Department Head Signature, and <br />Approval by City Administrator or Finance Director. <br />M/S/P Johnson/Johnston - to adopt the new purchasing policy <br />revised by the MAC, the Capital Improvement Plan form and <br />Request for Purchase/Repair form, as amended, (Motion <br />carried 3-0). <br />B. Employee Pay Rate for 1993 <br />