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industrial -warehouse zone in Lake Elmo. As presented, Proposal No. 5 <br />shows the construction of at least three stubs for future intersecting roads <br />which are directed into Armstrong Lake or into wetlands. <br />Residents for Environmental Responsibility <br />Proposal No.6--The Balanced Solution <br />This proposal is a 45 mph posted speed, two-lane/four-lane reconstruction of <br />CSAH 10 with an urban section, including curbs and gutters. The road will <br />accommodate 3 times the traffic volume currently using CSAH 10. <br />Considerable congestion in the segment between I-694 and--Helmo will be <br />relieved by an increase in traffic lanes as agreed to by the County and <br />Oakdale. East of Helmo, a 1/4 mile transition from the signalized <br />intersection at Helmo will bring the road to two lanes saving much of the <br />existing wetland and woodland and providing a safe, appropriate, value <br />engineered road for both vehicles and pedestrians. <br />A future right-of-way for an additional 2 lanes should not be obtained at this <br />time. The land is largely unbuildable because of its wetland condition, will <br />not be a significant consideration. There is no need to take the land off the <br />tax roles at this time and little prospect that it will ever be needed. <br />SUMMARY: <br />Currently, there are 4 near -by east west roads between CSAH 13 and I-649 not <br />counting Old Hudson Road in Woodbury. They are I-94, Fourth Street, CSAH 10 <br />and 15th Street. All the roads have been recently reconstructed --except CSAH 10. <br />The 4 roads provide a total of 12 traffic lanes. I-94 can accommodate another <br />30,000 vehicles per day, Fourth Street another 10,000 vpd, CSAH 10 another 8,000 <br />vpd and 15th Street another 10,000 vpd. Excluding the freeway, the excess capacity <br />is 28,000 vpd--almost as much as the total current AADT on I-94, more than the <br />total current traffic on State Highway 36, and almost 3 times the current traffic on <br />