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04-20-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-20-93 CCM
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Avenue at McKnight). If the traffic were designed to be posted with an urban <br />speed of 45 mph, no consideration of the 4-lane option would be necessary unless <br />traffic increased by a factor of 3X the present AADT. This is the educated choice <br />for the taxpayer and the environment. Even under the inflated County AADT <br />projection, the life of the proposed 4 lane divided highway would be 60% expended <br />by the time 4 lanes could be of any benefit to maintaining high traffic on a fully <br />signalized roadway. By building two lanes now, the future maintenance coats will <br />be substantially reduced and the roadsalt and impervious surface runoff reduced <br />by 50%. <br />Washington County Public Works Department <br />Proposal No.1—'Do nothing alternative" <br />Due to the acceptance by the County to comply with the request of Oakdale, the <br />existing 22 foot wide road was not improved as part of the recent work on CSAH 10. <br />The improved portion now has a rural section with two 12 foot lanes and 8 foot <br />paved shoulders for a total of 40 feet. Further the road, which is considered by the <br />County to be a major transportation route, has been allowed to deteriorate to be one <br />of the poorest roads in the State. <br />Washington County Public Works Department <br />Proposal No. 5--Four-lane reconstruction, shifted alignment <br />This alternative includes the construction of a four -lane roadway on a shifted <br />alignment. The alignment of the proposed eastbound roadway is proposed to <br />be shifted approximately 20 feet to the north of the existing road into Lake <br />Elmo with a raised concrete median separating the eastbound and <br />westbound roadways. This design also includes construction of a guardrail <br />in the shoulders in the section through Armstrong Lake. This proposal <br />would leave 3/4 of a mile of CSAH 10 as underutilized and as out of character <br />with the rest of the road as the 4-land divided stretch of TH-5 The existence of <br />this over -built road is now being used as a primary justification for an <br />
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