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bituminous shoulders, and concrete curbs to CSAH 13 (also known as Ideal Ave. <br />North). Supplemental left and right turn lanes will be constructed at all agreed <br />upon intersections. The posted speed for this work will be reduced to 45 mph to <br />increase lane capacity and to reflect the increasingly urban location. <br />Three years ago most of the privately owned parcels in Sections 32 and 33 were <br />annexed from Lake Elmo to Oakdale with the expectation of expedited commercial <br />development. A Walmart discount store proposed for a site just west of Helmo was <br />canceled and no other commercial development has been announced. A low <br />density housing project by Good Value Homes is being proposed for land that was <br />formerly planned for mixed commercial/high density residential by Lake Elmo, <br />Proposal No. 5 by Washington County Public Works Department, would relocate <br />390,000 cubic yards of material and alter 38 acres. The Proposal would effectively <br />destroy the adjacent seasonal wetlands defined by vegetation such as pussy <br />willows and cattails west of Armstrong Lake and totally re -configure the Lake. <br />Proposal No. 6 will substantially reduce the impact on all wetlands and will <br />provide remediation with a 2:1 ratio for the loss of all wetlands, including seasonal <br />wetlands. Proposal No. 5 would provide remediation with a 1 1/2 to 1 ratio only for <br />the losses to Armstrong Lake. Proposal No. 6 will balance the mitigation <br />requirements equally between both participating Cities instead of creating <br />compensating wetlands only in Lake Elmo. Mitigation design at Armstrong Lake <br />will follow design parameters provided in the March 1993 EAW by WCPWD. <br />However the impact will be substantially reduced because the paved road width <br />will be only 40 feet compared with approximately 88 WCPWD Proposal 5. <br />Because Proposal No. 6 provides curb and gutter instead of slopes and ditches, the <br />impact on wetlands and woodlands is substantially reduced. No more than 50 feet <br />of clearcut width will be required. Proposal No. 5 will have a clearcut width of <br />over 150 feet. <br />