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04-20-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-20-93 CCM
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Proposal No. 6 will include a full allowance for landscaping. Trees and shrubs <br />will be planted beyond the concrete curbs on either side of the 40 foot wide road. <br />Roadsides will be planted with native prairie grasses and a native wildflower mix <br />with an interim crop of annual oats to reduce runoff and improve initial visual <br />concerns. This work will be coordinated with the landscaping staff of MnDOT. <br />Proposal No. 6 is in full compliance with the Comprehensive Plans of Lake Elmo <br />on that portion within Lake Elmo. Oakdale jurisdiction includes the north half of <br />CSAH 10 for 1/2 mile east of I-694. Lake Elmo's jurisdiction includes all the road <br />on the south half of CSAH 10 and the north half of CSAH 10 for 1/2 mile west of <br />Inwood Ave. The 1990 Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan reads as follows: <br />County Road 70 (Minnehaha Avenue) has the potential of becoming <br />a route between West lakeland, Woodbury and Oakdale, <br />paralleling the Freeway. The City would oppose any proposal by <br />the County to make this another major east west thoroughfare <br />! like TH 5, which has proven to be damaging to the cohesiveness <br />of the City and the safety of the residents. <br />The Wahington County Public Works Department has written that Proposal 5 is <br />not part of a plan to extend a 4 lane divided highway east into West Lakeland. <br />Conversely, the County has stated to the Lake Elmo City Council and the Lake <br />Elmo Planning Commission that this design would gradually be implemented to <br />the east with work to begin outside the 1993-1997 Capital Improvement Program. <br />During the reconstruction of I-94, Federal funds were used to make Inwood Ave. <br />into a four land divided highway. The road, which was built about 5 years ago, is <br />functioning at less than 25% of design capacity. <br />CSAH 10 and CSAH 13 are often used as a route between Woodbury and Oakdale. <br />Traffic has diminished as retail businesses have developed in Woodbury adjacent <br />
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