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04-27-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-27-93 CCM
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April 23, 1993 <br />TO: Mayor and Lake Elmo City Council <br />FROM: Karen Johnston <br />SUBJECT: QUESTIONS/COMMENTS CONCERNING THE EAW <br />FOR RECONSTRUCTION OF 10th STREET <br />1. Will the excavation require dewatering of the lake? If <br />so, how extensive will the dewatering be? If not, how will <br />excavation be accomplished and what is impact on water <br />quality during excavation? <br />2. Is the lake related to the aquifer such that disruption <br />of lake will impact ground water quality generally? <br />3. Is wetland mitigation adequate to replace loss of any <br />seasonal wetlands? <br />4. Has wildlife been surveyed so it is known what species <br />will be displaced both temporarily and permanently? What <br />plans exist for temporary and permanent replacement of <br />habitat, other than permanent displacement? <br />5. What is basis or justification for statement that road <br />runoff has no impact, as significantly broader road bed will <br />require substantially increased salt and sand usage for safe <br />winter driving? Analyze impact of runoff on lake water <br />quality and wildlife habitat in detail, as well as ground <br />water. <br />6. What is basis in justification for statement that there <br />will be no appreciable increase in noise levels, given the <br />projected traffic levels? <br />7. Has Armstrong Lake been designated a historic lake, if <br />so, why is this noted? How does substantial filling relate <br />to this designation? <br />8. Given statement that area contains "poor subgrade <br />soils", has adequate analysis been done to project life of <br />reconstructed road (in otherwords, one justification for a <br />4-lane road now is to avoid disturbing the lake twice), so <br />will this road avoid that potential impact? <br />9. Discuss what alternates to building through the lake <br />were evaluated, the pros and cons of each and why they were <br />not recommended? <br />10. Your project title stated the road is to go 1/2 mile <br />beyond CSAH13, I recall the proposal as 1/4 mile. Explain <br />discrepancy (or correct). <br />
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