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April 23, 1993 <br />t <br />TO: Mayor and Lake Elmo City Council <br />FROM: Jess Mottaz <br />SUBJECT: Questions/Comments Concerning the EAW for <br />Reconstruction of 10th Street <br />1. The City should insist that for every tree that is <br />removed, the County should replace with another tree. <br />2. They are not mitigating ALL the water. <br />3. The method of handling Armstrong Lake. Could the bridge <br />be built cheaper than the road going around the lake. <br />4. The project of the road stated 1/2 mile beyond CSAH13 <br />and should be 1/4 mile. <br />5. The agreement was to go along with a parkway fashion <br />design. The County seems to have forgotten this because <br />there is no reference to this. <br />