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04-27-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-27-93 CCM
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2 <br />Attorney Filla explained the city can buy the land if it is <br />( for a public purpose. A public purpose is not trying to <br />avoid having Oakdale annex that part of the area. If you <br />continue to control the use of the land, it does have some <br />value. It gives you a bigger base in which to levy special <br />assessments. Long term it gives you a tax value that you <br />can collect some money which is why we want Oakdale to use <br />that in the formula for any transfer of land. <br />Mayor John understood if it is a straight forward <br />annexation, there is never any compensation paid to the <br />losing city for the loss of tax revenue involved. <br />Therefore, you can't argue that in terms of this annexation. <br />Attorney Filla didn't agree with the statement that there <br />never is any consideration given to a city that loses <br />property through annexation. The Municipal Board can require <br />compensation of one party to another. <br />Council member Conlin indicated School District #622 has <br />been looking at a piece of land between 10th Street and 4th <br />to build a K-5 and Community Ed facility. Can they swap <br />MnDOT land for public school land? Filla: Yes. The best <br />scenario for Lake Elmo is that we retain MnDOT property and <br />it is developed privately and generate some tax revenue. <br />Filla thought it would be great if we could get beyond the <br />end of the legislative session before we start submitting <br />detailed proposals to Oakdale. He thought there was some <br />measure of persuasion attached to how a council perceives <br />how the public is reacting to this. If we had a piece of <br />legislation that outlined the agreement that we want, <br />support it publicly, the public understands that we are <br />being very reasonable. Everything we have talked about can <br />be taken care of in a joint powers agreement between the two <br />cities. <br />Attorney Filla pointed out the changes Neary has made in the <br />proposed legislation. <br />Councilman Johnson reported that he, Mayor John and <br />Administrator Kueffner met with Pam Neary on Friday morning <br />on how to change the legislation so that it would be <br />acceptable to the city. Neary's reasoning was she felt <br />obligated to get something done because the way the two <br />cities were going (Oakdale putting in a separate line was <br />nonsense). She felt the only way around this was to draft <br />this legislation which would force the two cities to come to <br />some agreement because next session of the legislature this <br />bill would be reintroduced by Walt Perlt and this time it <br />would be passed because he would have done his homework. <br />At the time she drafted this legislation, she was not aware <br />of the letter that we authorized to the City of Oakdale. <br />
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