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04-27-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-27-93 CCM
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3 <br />Mayor John indicated the MnDOT property does not form a <br />( useful tract of land in itself unless it can be bargained <br />into making a consolidated piece which would then make sense <br />to still be in Lake Elmo. <br />Council member Johnston felt the most reasonable thing to do <br />is to be able to provide the sewer capacity and develop <br />there with the most reasonable cost. <br />Council member Johnson indicated he was not in favor of the <br />city buying MnDOT property and liked the option of trading <br />MnDOT land. We would want to avoid building a lift station, <br />build it over on the east half of Section 33, so that would <br />have to go along with the land swap plus complete the sewer <br />lines large enough with a force main that starts over in the <br />East half of Section 33. Another option is to give up all <br />the land in Section 32 and West half of Section 33 in trade <br />for dollars applied to the extended lift station and larger <br />lines. <br />Attorney Filla pointed out that one of the primary <br />objectives was to provide sewer and/or water to United <br />Properties, We did not want that to be the next annexation. <br />In order to keep that, we needed to have some way of getting <br />sewer and water to that site economically. If we were able <br />to do that, we could assess most of our costs to United <br />Properties or other property in the east half of Section 33. <br />Administrator Kueffner felt if we have to share in the cost <br />to get it over there, let's take our SAC units (76,000 <br />includes Guardian Angels and MnDOT property) with us so we <br />can extend farther down I-94 so we have a little more to <br />assess to and come up with a reasonable joint agreement for <br />the installation of the system. <br />Council member Johnson indicated we have three options: we <br />either accept the proposed Neary legislation "as -is", or we <br />accept the legislation with changes, or we are against the <br />proposed legislation being introduced. We own all the <br />streets in Section 32, so Oakdale has to have our permission <br />to cross any of our streets in install sewer lines. I think <br />Oakdale has to negotiate with us. <br />Attorney Filla stated our position is this is not good <br />policy. If we are stuck with this, then we have options 2 or <br />3; as is, or with changes. We cannot force Oakdale to extend <br />sewer to our border. It is either done as a joint project <br />or not done at all. It is better for us to propose <br />something we can endorse, even if it is not acceptable, than <br />simply say we are not going to endorse any legislation. <br />
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