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Subsection of llb. "Construction Mitigation Measures" <br />Here again there is no description of how the construction <br />area is to be dewatered. Are we to believe that soils will be <br />disturbed without dewatering? If dewatering is to occur, will <br />the total wetland be dewatered and for what period of time <br />and at what cost to the environment? <br />Sec. 14. Land Use Districts <br />It should be noted that Lake Elmo does have Shoreline <br />Ordinances. Will the Lake Elmo ordinances be adhered to or <br />are variances required? <br />Sec. 22. Traffic <br />The projected traffic counts East of Helmo are open to <br />dispute. <br />Sec 26. Resources <br />There is no discussion of the rationale for arriving at the <br />conclusions drawn in this section. This not acceptable. <br />Sec 28. Compatibility with Local Plans <br />The EAW states that: "Recommendations made by the two <br />communities have been incorporated into the design of the <br />project --". The cities of Oakdale and Lake Elmo initially <br />agreed to boulevard design concept that was given a <br />preliminary development effort by the County Highway <br />Department and then apparently scrapped by the County. A more <br />appropriate statement would be that "some of the <br />recommendations made by the -wo communities were incorporated <br />into the design and some were ignored or rejected". <br />Sec 32. Alternatives <br />The list of alternatives is incomplete. <br />K <br />