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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 4, 1993 6 <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Federal Land Company's Proposal for Automobile <br />Service Center at Cty Rd 19&I-94 <br />Attorney Filla reported the city has received a concept for <br />the Flying J Travel Plaza. The City's position is <br />development applications must comply with the city's current <br />zoning regulations and the Comprehensive Plan. <br />M/S/C Johnson/Mottaz - to send a letter to Federal Land <br />indicating the council cannot take any action based on the <br />information submitted. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Mayor John reported on April 21st he attended a meeting <br />with the VBWD, DNR, whereby they discussed various issues in <br />terms of surface water management within the VBWD. <br />On April 27 there was a special council meeting to <br />discuss legislation prepared by Representative Pam Neary in <br />relation to Section 32 and 33 where they unanimously thanked <br />Rep. Neary for her proposal, but they were not prepared to <br />go forward with this legislation. <br />On May 3rd he met with the Lake Elmo Business <br />Association to talk about the general direction of the City. <br />Council member Dick Johnson: Wood Chipper <br />M/S/C Johnson/Conlin - to direct the staff to determine how <br />to implement Option D and have the Maintenance Dept. and <br />Parks Dept. talk to Woodbury and look at equipment of other <br />firms and decide if it is favorable to stockpile brush. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />Council member Conlin reported there will be a workshop <br />on a model Connecticut wet/dry recycling and composting <br />demonstration project that has achieved 70% diversion rates <br />held at the Wescott Library in Eagan on Tuesday, May 11 at <br />6:30 p.m. This notice will be sent to the Solid Waste <br />Committee. <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Request from Washington County HRA requesting City's <br />approval. of a Cooperation Agreement for HOME Program <br />Attorney Filla submitted a letter indicating the agreement <br />allows federal funds to be used on local projects under the <br />supervision of the Washington County Housing and <br />Redevelopment Authority. Since the program would be <br />supervised by the Washington County HRA, Washington County <br />would be responsible for making sure that the funds are used <br />