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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 20, 1993 <br />B. Comments by Wyn John on Cimarron Meeting <br />Wyn John updated the council on items discussed at the Cimarron Community meeting: <br />(1) Request they have more than one civil defense drill because the first drill would <br />identify the problems and the second drill would rectify the problems. (2) NHD would <br />prepare to have a community gathering where they would supply hot-dogs and pop. It <br />appeared Cimarron didn't have a number of residents to organize such a function so <br />Mayor John volunteered to help. (3) Report by Washington County Deputy on <br />neighborhood watch, property identification, and other items that affected the general <br />security. <br />Attorney Filla is preparing a draft on standards for accessibility of the storm shelters <br />that will be circulated to the council, Fire and Sheriff Dept. and Cimarron Park for <br />comments. John pointed out there was a need to clarify the boundaries on where the <br />city's jurisdiction lies for general safety. <br />C. Video Recording Problems for July 6, 1993 council meeting: <br />Administrator Kueffner reported a service call was made the night of the meeting, but <br />the sound problem was not corrected until Monday, July 12. The Cable Commission <br />assured her that problems in the future would be corrected more expeditiously. The <br />July 6, council meeting will be broadcasted on Wednesday at 10:00 a.m. and again <br />after the July 20 council meeting is broadcasted on Thursday. <br />D. Letter Regarding Burning in Cimarron Park <br />Mayor John explained a letter was sent to the city from Captain Johnson, Washington <br />County Sheriff's Dept. , about a deputy citing a resident in Cimarron for an alleged <br />illegal burn that is being handled by the city attorney. At the same time the Sheriff's <br />Dept. became aware of the letter that was issued by former Mayor Dave Johnson and <br />Council member Mottaz about the fact they felt the fire did not contravene our <br />ordinances. <br />Administrator Kueffner reported Captain Johnson questioned whether the letter he <br />received represented the position of the city with Councilman Mottaz speaking for the <br />city and whether they should continue to issue burning citations when they find a <br />violation. <br />Discussion followed on the content of the letter whether it was an official document <br />issued by the city or whether it was the opinion of the former Mayor and one of the <br />council members. It was the opinion of Attorney Filla that what they were doing was <br />uttering an opinion by identifying their previous associations with the governing body of <br />the city. It is the city's position for the Sheriff's Dept. to enforce the state and local <br />regulations. The question is do we want them to respond to and issue citations to all <br />the various code violations in the code book. <br />