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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JULY 20, 1993 <br />M/S/C Johnson/Conlin -- to reinforce the position of the city council that the Lake Elmo <br />( Deputies and Washington County Sheriff's Dept. continue to handle code violations that <br />are appropriate for them to issue citations, if required, and it be left up to their judgment <br />whether it is in their authority or whether it should be referred to some other officer of <br />the city. (Motion carried 4-1:Mottaz: The deputies should not be involved in building <br />code violations. Anytime during working hours the code enforcement officer should be <br />out inspecting and deciding if they are violating the code. We are trusting that the <br />deputies are familiar with the Lake Elmo Code. ) <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />A. #622 Bond Referendum notification - Informational <br />Administrator Kueffner has talked with representatives of ISD 622, the County Auditor's <br />Office, and the Secretary of State's office regarding the lack of notification of the 622 <br />Bond Issue election. <br />The School District indicated its only obligation is to notify the county auditor, but in the <br />future will add Lake Elmo to its list of municipalities to notify. The Washington County <br />Auditors office explained it must notify municipalities only when there is a county <br />election. The secretary of State's office said there is definitely a problem with school <br />elections. Joe Mansky, the person in charge of elections for the Secretary of State, <br />said that is one of the reasons they have tried, albeit unsuccessfully, to change the law <br />so that all elections be on the same day. Mansky asked the city write to the secretary <br />of state explaining what happened and copy the letter to the two legislators that will be <br />introducing a bill to this effect during the next legislative session. <br />6. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution approving minor subdivision to David Herreid and <br />Lake Elmo Inn <br />Dave Herreid is requesting that the city approve a minor subdivision to allow a lot line <br />adjustment between his property and that of the Lake Elmo Inn. It seems that his <br />building is on the Inn's property and there appears to be an encroachment of the Inn's <br />property onto Herreids. The Planning Commission has reviewed this request and <br />recommended unanimously that the minor subdivision be granted. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/John - to approve Resolution 93-56, granting a minor subdivision that will <br />allow for a lot line adjustment to Dave Herreid and the Lake Elmo Inn. (Motion carried <br />5-0.) <br />B. "Moving Buildings into or within City" Draft Ordinance <br />The Planning Commission has reviewed the city's ordinance relating to moving <br />buildings into the City. Attorney Filla commented on this draft ordinance in his memo <br />dated June 16, 1993. <br />