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MINUTES APPROVED: 8-17-93 <br />i <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />AUGUST 3, 1993 <br />Mayor John called the council meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. in the city council <br />chambers. PRESENT: Mottaz, Conlin, John, Johnston, Johnson, City Engineer <br />Bohrer, and City Attorney Filla. <br />1. AGENDA <br />Add: 5B. Update on brush chipping, 5C. Cimarron Storm Shelter Regulations <br />M/S/C Johnston/Conlin - to approve the August 3, 1993 City Council agenda as <br />amended. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />2. MINUTES: July 20, 1993 <br />M/S/C Conlin/Johnston - to approve the July 20, 1993 City Council minutes as <br />amended. (Motion carried 4-1: Mottaz: I voted no on the minutes for July 20, 1993 for <br />reasons of propriety. I have reason to believe that at the special meeting of February <br />19, 1993, the matter of amending Resolution 93-10 did not take place. Rather, the <br />decision to do so was the result of a telephone vote taken on or about March 18, 1993. <br />1 will state some of my reasons for believing this. Sometime after being released from <br />the hospital following my operation on March 2, 1993, 1 received a telephone call from <br />Mary Kueffner. She mentioned Resolution 93-10 regarding Lake Elmo's opposition to <br />House File 220 which would allow Oakdale to petition for further annexation of property <br />in Sections 32 and 33. She further stated that there is now a companion Senate bill file <br />#491 and that she wants to amend Resolution 93-10 to include opposition to the <br />Senate bill. She said that she is aware of my opposition to telephone votes as I feel <br />they violate the State open meeting law, but that she already had three votes and she <br />just wanted to inform me about the matter. With me when I had this conversation were <br />my wife, Lenore, and my grandson, Chris. They, of course, heard only one side of the <br />conversation, but I was so incensed that as soon as I hung up the phone I told them <br />what had just taken place. <br />I had not seen a copy of Resolution 93-10 so in July I called the city office and asked <br />to have a copy sent to me. It was then that I discovered that the resolution had been <br />amended by the city council at a meeting on March 19, 1993. 1 wrote to Mary Kueffner <br />asking for a copy of the March 19 minutes. This resulted in a letter to the city council <br />from Mary dated July 20, 1993 stating that there was no meeting on March 19, 1993, <br />but, in fact, this amendment was passed at the Friday, February 19, 1993 special or <br />emergency meeting which was called to discuss House File 220. <br />