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08-03-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-03-93 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1993 <br />Several problems now arise: As already stated, this meeting was called by the <br />Mayor specifically to discuss the city's strategy in opposition to House File 220.." There <br />was no motion to change the agenda to include discussion of any senate action. The <br />minutes of this 3:15 p.m. meeting, attended by Mayor John, Council persons Conlin <br />and Johnson, City Administrator Mary Kueffner, City Attorney Jerry Filla and <br />Representative Pam Neary, go into unusual detail for a special meeting taking almost <br />two full pages, but not once was there any mention of a senate file or any senate <br />action. Now at least four months later we are told that something as significant as three <br />council members amending a resolution passed three days earlier at a regular meeting <br />by five council members is not important enough to warrant even one line of reporting <br />in the minutes. <br />Further at the next regular meeting the minutes of February 19, 1993 meeting were <br />approved with no revision to include the senate file discussion. The very last entry in <br />these minutes was a statement by Representative Pam Neary referring to House File <br />220.."The next step is to hear the bill on the floor and the final step is to put it in front of <br />the Senate." <br />I called Representative Neary and asked if she recalled any discussion or even any <br />mention of a Senate File at the meeting of February 19, 1993 and she said three times <br />during our conversation that it never came up at any time while she was there and that <br />Senator Price said that he would inform her when he planned to introduce it. I <br />reiterated that her comments constituted the last entry in the minutes of that meeting. <br />Of great importance is the fact that we have three references to Senate File #491 <br />(by number) in the amended Resolution 93-10, which we are not told was passed not <br />on March 19, but on February 19, 1993. This could not possibly have happened <br />because on February 19, 1993 there was no Senate File #491 There was no Senate <br />File #491 until it was introduced into the Senate six days later on February 25. The <br />secretary in the Senate office also stated that no one would know the exact number of <br />that as any other bill until the day it was introduced in the Senate. In addition when I <br />talked with Senator Price's secretary I was told that Senator Price had scheduled this <br />bill's first committee hearing for March 10. He withdrew it and rescheduled for March <br />25, 1993. So on February 19 we would not have known what bill to oppose nor when <br />to file our opposition. <br />There are other facts in my file that aided in my coming to the conclusion that it was <br />not possible for the Lake Elmo City Council to take any action regarding Senate File <br />#491 on February 19, 1993, but I believe for now enough has been said and I've made <br />my case. I truly believe that the action to amend Resolution 93-10 was accomplished <br />by a telephone vote in March (possibly the 1 Bth or 19th) and did not occur during a <br />scheduled or a special meeting of the City Council. <br />I request that this entire statement be included as part of the minutes of this <br />meeting, not as an addendum but in order.) <br />
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