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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 3, 1993 <br />3. CLAIMS <br />On claim #1856 Composting Concepts, Councilman Johnson had a question if <br />screening was included in turning of the compost pile which was delayed from last year <br />because of the wet conditions. <br />M/S/C Johnston/Conlin - to approve the August 3, 1993 claims #1838 through #1857 <br />as presented. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />4. PUBLIC INQUIRIES --INFORMATIONAL <br />A. Public Inquiries <br />Bob Helwig, 8247 27th St., asked what the procedures and time frame are to change <br />the Lake Elmo Comprehensive Plan? What is the status including the future time frame <br />for a comprehensive plan amendment for Outlot A in Lake Elmo Heights. The city staff <br />will notify Mr. Helwig of the meeting date with the Metropolitan Council. <br />John Conrad, 3812 Jamaca Avenue N., asked if NSP has the right to go beyond that 4' <br />wide utility easement on the west side of Jamaca for the purpose of trimming trees? <br />The Council directed the engineer to meet with a responsible NSP representative to <br />review policies on tree trimming and clearances for wires. <br />Jim McLeod, 2543 Lake Elmo Ave., explained about a year ago United Properties came <br />to the city and said they had an unknown developer that wanted to build a $30-50 <br />million complex on their property along 1-94. After the initial contact, we were told that <br />Lake Elmo was the choice site. We now know that State Farm has taken an option on <br />property in Woodbury. Has the City Council ever said to United Properties we will <br />provide sewer and water to the site and this is how we proposed to do it and pay for it. <br />If not, why not.? He would like to see some positive action taken and stated to United <br />Properties, if this is still State Farm's first choice we're prepared to get sewer and water <br />to them somehow. If Woodbury can get utilities to them, Lake Elmo certainly should be <br />able to get it. <br />Mayor John explained the city has been actively involved with Oakdale to provide <br />sewer to the western edge of United Properties. The representative of United <br />Properties is well aware of that. The Council has offered a joint powers agreement <br />with Oakdale to develop sewer, but have not yet reached an agreement. John was not <br />so sure that Lake Elmo was the first choice. <br />Gloria Knoblauch, 9181 31st St. N., would like to see a street light on Laverne Avenue <br />and Highway 5 because when there are city council meetings you cannot find the <br />street. Knoblauch also asked consideration for a stop and go light on Lake Elmo <br />Avenue and Highway 5 because it is a very dangerous intersection. <br />