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11-16-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-16-93 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVENMER 16, 1993 3 <br />7. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Resolution No. 93-74:Minor Subdivision:Jack Hobbs <br />M/S/C Conlin/John - to adopt Resolution No. 93-74 granting a minor subdivision/lot line <br />adjustment to Jack Hobbs. (Motion carried 4-1: Mottaz:At the last meeting the city <br />attorney advised the council not to act until the violations are resolved). <br />M/S/C Johnson/John - to direct the Building Official to advise Joe Gould that a driveway <br />permit is required for work that has been done. (Motion carried 4-1: Mottaz:For the <br />same reason as stated before). <br />B. Letter from Don Bishop, Lake Elmo Heights <br />The Council received a letter, dated November 10,1993, from Don Bishop requesting <br />the council table his application for rezoning of Outlot A, Lake Elmo Hgts 2nd Addition <br />until the Met Council responds to change of land use in the comprehensive plan. Mr. <br />Bishop is requesting tabling because he would have to wait six months to reapply if the <br />City Council denies this application. <br />M/S/C Johnson/John - to direct the staff to prepare an ordinance to rezone Outlot A, <br />Lake Elmo Hgts 2nd Addition to RED for the December 7, 1993 council meeting. <br />(Motion carried 3-2:Conlin, Mottaz:We should comply with Mr. Bishop's request). <br />C. Bike/Pedestrian Trail Plan <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to accept the bike/pedestrian concept plan and to prepare a <br />formal amendment to the comprehensive park plan. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />8. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT: <br />A. Cost Estimate for Surface Water Management Plan <br />Larry Bohrer provided a work scope and cost estimate for a Local Surface Water <br />Management Plan in his letter dated November 12, 1993. The estimated cost for the <br />stormwater system inventory and mapping is $13,600 and is recommended to be <br />Phase 1 of the local surface water management planning. The total estimated cost for <br />Phase 1 work is $15,000. Also included in Phase 1 is the identification of existing <br />problem areas that warrant study. The actual study of these areas would be <br />considered Phase 2. The estimated cost to identify those problem areas which warrant <br />further study is $1,400. <br />M/S/C Johnston/Mottaz - to authorize the City Engineer to begin preparation of a local <br />surface water management plan by completing Phase I at a cost of $15,000.00. <br />(Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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