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11-16-93 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
11-16-93 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES NOVEMBER 16, 1993 <br />B. 1994 MSA Maintenance Allotment <br />Larry Bohrer provided a letter dated November 16, 1993 indicating the 1994 Municipal <br />State Aid Allotment for the City is estimated to be $153,037. The minimum the City <br />may request for maintenance is $1,500 per State Aid mile or $14,280. The remainder <br />of the allotment is available for construction on the State Aid system. Requesting the <br />minimum for maintenance is consistent with the City's proposed 1994 budget. The <br />apportionment would be broken down as follows: <br />Construction Allotment $138,757 <br />Maintenance Allotment 14,280 <br />TOTAL $153,037 <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to direct the Engineer to notify the Commissioner of <br />Transportation that the City of Lake Elmo requests its 1994 Maintenance Allotment at <br />$14,280. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />C. Rolling Hills <br />Charles Nelson, Nelson Properties, admitted that the paving was done improperly in the <br />Rolling Hills development. Since the summer rains prevented the subgrade from drying <br />properly, the paving was done in the fall and the City Engineer was not informed of it. <br />Nelson said it was an oversight on the part of the development team, and that they <br />didn't intentionally neglect to inform Bohrer. He acknowledged that there was a <br />problem with the subgrade, soft spots in the road would occur, and that the problem <br />would have to be corrected in the spring. He believed that if the first layer of paving <br />was not completed before the winter, the sub -grade would be lost over the winter and <br />the surfacing of the street would be back at square one in the spring. Consequently, he <br />took this action to avoid complete disturbance of what had already been achieved and <br />would have had to be redone during the summer because of rain. <br />Charles Nelson agreed to pay the city's expense for plowing the street and to accept <br />liability for the potential damage to the road by the city plows. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to allow Nelson Properties to continue their development of <br />Rolling Hills, but the city issued a strong statement that they do not tolerate deviation <br />from the rules and that the remainder of the conditions in the letter be maintained and <br />that the city maintenance crew will provide plowing this winter with Nelson Properties <br />absorbing the cost and accepting liability for potential damage as drawn up in an <br />agreement by the City Attorney. (Motion carried 3-2:Johnson, Johnston). <br />9. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT: <br />A. Update on Proposed Joint Powers Agreement <br />The Council received a DRAFT of a Joint Resolution of the Cities of Lake Elmo and <br />Oakdale; Agreement of Undertaking; and Joint Powers Agreement. The Council tabled <br />this item in order to study these documents and should submit their comments (whether <br />they have changes or not) to the City Administrator by November 23, 1993. <br />
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