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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 25, 1994 2 <br />Washington County Deputy, Kim Carey, asked the council's permission to <br />implement a crime prevention program in the city through the Sheriff's Dept.. <br />When a. building permit is applied for, a letter from the Sheriff's office with <br />information from the crime prevention program will be handed out. The letter will <br />explain how the Deputies would be willing to come out during the construction <br />phase and do a home security survey and give suggestions on lighting or <br />placement of windows. If this pilot program works in Lake Elmo and West <br />Lakeland, the Sheriff's Dept. will go county wide with the program. The city <br />council supported the concept and asked that the letter on the program be <br />brought back to the council. <br />5. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL <br />A. "No Parking" on Jamaca Avenue N. and Lake Jane Trail <br />Dan Olinger indicated a need to increase the "No Parking" zone on the following <br />streets: on both sides of Lake Jane Trail North, from 250 feet West of Jamaca <br />Avenue to Jane Road North and on both sides of Jamaca Avenue North, 475 <br />feet south of its intersection with Lake Jane Trail, because people are currently <br />parking in these areas and walking across private property to get to the west end <br />of the lake to fish. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/John - to adopt Ordinance 8091, an ordinance amending Section <br />1001.040G, and adding Section 1002.040J to the 1979 Municipal code of Lake <br />Elmo. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />The present ordinance does not allow an exception to the parking regulations for <br />special circumstances, such as graduations, for parking to be allowed upon <br />issuance of a permit by the city administrator. All the parking regulations should <br />be reviewed and a general statement would have to be added. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to direct the staff to prepare a resolution authorizing <br />temporary (time limit set) on street parking for special circumstances upon <br />issuance of a permit by the city administrator. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Olinger asked the council to consider installing a full three-way stop at Jamaca <br />and Lake Jane Trailintersection to prevent speeding on the newly reconstructed <br />road in that area. John asked for consideration and public opinion of stop signs <br />on Jane Road N. and Jamaca on the north side of Lake Jane. <br />Councilman Johnson asked that the staff check with MN/DOT to determine if <br />stop signs will improve the situation and request confirmation. These requests <br />will be added to the next council agenda. <br />