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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 25, 1994 <br />Attorney Filla reported that the Hammes' have been attempting to get together <br />with the city staff and their attorney to talk about changes to the definition of <br />sand/gravel operations to facilitate a recycling operation and have not been able <br />to get a date that is acceptable to the people involved. <br />M/S/C John/Conlin - to direct the staff to send a letter to Tom Armstrong and <br />Hammes Mining stating why they are not in compliance with the conditions set in <br />their CUP, give them reasonable time to correct the problem, and indicate if it is <br />not corrected in that time the city's next procedure will be to conduct a public <br />hearing to consider rescinding the permit. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />B Cable Commission Update <br />Councilman Johnson reported he attended the Cable Commission meeting in <br />the absence of cable representative, Rita Conlin. The existence of the cable <br />commission is up after a 15 year period which comes up in eighteen months. <br />The cities either have to accept the existing joint powers agreement and extend <br />it for another period of time or come up with some other plan. The commission <br />took action on the equipment list and a part of that list was replacement <br />equipment for items stolen from Lake Elmo city hall. This equipment should be <br />received in 30- 45 days. <br />Council member Conlin received a letter from the cable commission asking for <br />comments on their proposed amendments to their by-laws. Conlin and <br />Administrator Kueffner will review the proposed amendments to the cable <br />commission by-laws and offer comments. <br />C. Agreement of Undertaking, Joint Resolution, Joint Powers Agreement - <br />Section 32/33 <br />This was tabled at the January 11th meeting until this council meeting for proper <br />wording to be inserted to resolve some concerns. <br />M/S/ Mottaz/John - that the council sign the letter to the Mayor and city council of <br />Oakdale stating our position <br />M/S/C Johnson/Mottaz - to amend the motion with the following word change <br />made in the Agreement of Undertaking, (Paragraph 3.1.a., 7th line) " <br />allocation of capacity from the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission and <br />approval of the extension of the Municipal Urban Sewer area to include all <br />properties described in this paragraph or a larger area if appropriate." (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />