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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 25, 1994 <br />Mayor John suggested MAC meet the first Monday of the month instead of the <br />fourth Monday, which is in conflict with the PZ meeting, in order for members of <br />the Council to attend. <br />Council member Johnston recognized and congratulated the Stock Market <br />Team from Lake Elmo Elementary School on taking first place in the stock <br />market game. <br />M/S/C Johnston/Mottaz - to insert in the city newsletter and send a letter of <br />congratulations to the Stock Market Team from Lake Elmo Elementary School <br />on taking first place in the stock market game. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/C Mottaz/John - to adjourn the city council meeting at 10:00 p.m. (Motion <br />carried 5-4 <br />Resolution No. 94-1, A Resolution adopting the City of Lake Elmo Oak Wilt <br />Control Plan <br />Resolution No. 94-2, A Resolution requesting that the legislators introduce <br />legislation that would allow the city to petition for detachment/annexation of <br />certain land in Section 32/33 <br />Ordinance 8090, An ordinance adding Section 301.070 D.8.e. Minimum <br />Architectural Standards and Section 301.070 D.8.f. Landscaping to the 1979 <br />Municipal Code <br />Ordinance 8091, An ordinance amending Section 1001.040G and adding <br />Section 1002.040J (No parking on Jamaca Avenue N. and Lake Jane Trail) to <br />the 1979 Municipal Code <br />