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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 4, 1994 2 <br />C. Petition to correct the spelling of Jamaca <br />The Council received a letter dated December 27, 1993 from James Blackford, 9765 45th <br />St.N., petitioning the city to correct the spelling of Jamaca Avenue to Jamaica Avenue. <br />On the Washington County road map Jamaca Avenue is found without the "i" in communities <br />of Lake Elmo, Grant Township, and Forest Lake Township. Jamaica Avenue is in Cottage <br />Grove. Attorney Filla stated there were no legal ramifications in changing the spelling, but <br />would the change affect post office delivery. The Council suggested surveying the residents of <br />Jamaca Avenue and hear what their attitude is to this change. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnston - to direct the staff to take a minimum survey of residents on the <br />spelling correction of Jamaca Avenue with no time limit set. (Motion carried 4-1: Conlin: the <br />staff is busy. If this was a big problem, she could see doing the survey.) <br />D. Proclamation <br />Michele Carlson, President of Lake Elmo Jaycees presented a proclamation to the Council . <br />Mayor John proclaimed the week of January 16-22, 1994 as Jaycee Week and urged all <br />citizens of our community to give full regard to the past and continue service of the Jaycees. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - the city council supports Mayor John in proclaiming and signing the <br />Proclamation proclaiming the week of January 16-22, 1994 as Jaycee Week. (Motion carried <br />5-0), <br />5. OLD BUSINESS <br />A. L.P.D. Electric <br />The Council received a letter dated January 3, 1994 from Luc and MaryJean Dupuis, LPD <br />Electric, indicating they are withdrawing their building application because they have another <br />project pending at this time. The Council pointed out that they did try to accommodate this <br />application and all agreed this would be a fine addition to the city. It was strictly a business <br />decision on the part of LPD Electric. <br />B. Olson Lake Estates <br />Molly Shodeen, DNR, advised that the survey of Olson Lake Pond should be done at the end <br />of January. Attorney Dayton suggested the city wait until the survey is done, but to closely <br />monitor the activities of the Valley Branch Watershed District as they proceed with their 509 <br />amendment. <br />M/S/C John/Mottaz - to wait until we know status of pond and to closely monitor the activities <br />of the Valley Branch Watershed District as they proceed with their 509 amendment and inform <br />the Tri Lakes Assoc. of the city's decisions. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />