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01-04-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
01-04-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JANUARY 4, 1994 <br />6. STAFF REPORTS: <br />A. Update on Maintenance Department Activities:Dan Olinger <br />Maintenance Foreman, Dan Olinger, voiced his concerns about the way in which the <br />Minnesota Department of Health handled the city's water contamination problem in the Old <br />Village, particularly the method in which the water was tested. <br />M/S/C John/Johnston - to send a terse letter to the Health Dept. emphasizing cost of putting <br />everything right and indicating suspicion that testing was not done correctly, and request in <br />writing supporting data and sampling and analytical test procedures. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Olinger pointed out vehicles are not being moved for snowplowing purposes and requested <br />the city become tougher on enforcing the snowplowing ordinance. Also, garbage cans and <br />recycling containers are still being placed in the roadway and not in their driveways. He <br />suggested asking Bellaire/Maroney to send a note reminding residents to keep their <br />containers (recycling and garbage) off the road. Residents can be informed through the city <br />newsletter. <br />M/S/C John/Johnston - to direct the staff to submit wording change for the snowplowing <br />ordinance for Thursday night meeting to permit every snowplow operator the authority to ticket <br />or tow vehicles. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />Councilman Johnson voiced his concern that the wood pile had not been chipped by <br />Arbotech, St. Croix Beach, at an estimated cost of $2,175. Olinger stated Arbotech was out to <br />look at the pile and the chipping can still take place. <br />B. Conditional Use Permit Reviews: Jim McNamara - postponed <br />C. Construction -Related Erosion Standards- postponed <br />Jim McNamara will prepare wording for construction related erosion standards to go along <br />with all building permits and work with the planner and engineer for proper wording in the <br />code. <br />7. PLANNING/LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Recommendation from Planning Commission relating to Highway Business (HB) <br />regulations. <br />Attorney Filla commented that if the city did not intend to continue with HB Zoning they may <br />want to rezone the four existing HB sites to some other acceptable category. If they were to <br />eliminate the zoning, they should repeal the regulations, and the current HB sites become <br />legal non -conforming uses which could continue but not expand unless consistent with the <br />code. If the city is going to keep the HB zone, it is a good idea to have a more complete set of <br />regulations. In regard to pending applications, until the city gives some type of preliminary <br />approval to the development application there is no vesting of rights. <br />
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