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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 1, 1994 2 <br />The City attorney was questioned whether the city could accept Maguire's <br />proposal without advertising for sealed bids. The attorney advised that since this <br />was an emergency the Council could proceed. <br />Mayor John declared a state of emergency exists In the City of Lake Elmo <br />In that at 7:45 a.m., the main water tank was subject to a leak as a result of <br />a catastrophic water main burst and leaving the citizens of Lake Elmo <br />without a guaranteed water supply for a long term and requiring immediate <br />remedial action. <br />Since the city anticipates that this emergency is going to continue for more than <br />3 days, the council needed to ratify this declaration. <br />M/S/C Johnson/Conlin - to ratify this declaration of emergency and move to <br />adopt the appropriate supporting resolution. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/C Mottaz/John - to direct the city engineer to proceed under the guidance <br />and approval of the city attorney to continue working with the contractor to carry <br />out the work in accordance with the quotation and award the contract to Maguire <br />Iron, Inc., Sioux Falls, SD in the amount of $42,685 subject to evidence of <br />performance bond for the full value of the contract plus a certificate of insurance <br />($1 million liability coverage) satisfactory to the engineer and attorney. (Motion <br />carried 5-0) <br />There was no action taken on the second contract submitted by Maguire Iron for <br />painting the riser. <br />OLD BUSINESS ITEM: Discuss proposed second well which has been <br />recommended by the Health Dept. and pull the study done by the water <br />committee. Bohrer will investigate the possibility of interconnection with <br />Cimarron water system. <br />Mayor John informed the council on series of meetings taken place at the <br />Mn/DOT offices in Oakdale where representatives from municipalities had <br />opportunities to discuss how they would want their communication routes to <br />connect into Trunk Hwy 36. Diagrams were prepared to show the proposed Hwy <br />36/Hilton Trail Junction, the proposed Highlands Trail/Hwy 36 Junction, the <br />proposed Lake Elmo Avenue/Hwy 36 Interchange and an alternative proposed <br />for DeMontreville Trail/Hwy 36 Junction. The access plan is subject to change <br />and Mayor John will talk to the Mayor of Pine Springs and representatives from <br />Grant Township to get their feedback before the next Mn/DOT meeting. <br />