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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 1994 <br />Cable Commission <br />Council member Conlin reported that at the last cable meeting she received a <br />report which included amendments to the joint powers agreement. She will give <br />a report at another meeting on what ramifications, if any, on these changes. <br />Lake Elmo will receive $3,000-$4,000 out of the $84,000 that is considered <br />excess money that the cable commission figured for their budget this year. This <br />share is according to the number of subscribers and can be used at the city's <br />discretion. <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. League of Minnesota Cities Goals & Policies <br />The council strongly supported the League's stand on annexation and was <br />interested in Water Treatment, Water Conservation and Preservation, and Open <br />Meetings and Data Practices. <br />B. Set date for Recodification Workshops <br />The Council set the following dates for recodification workshops: February 22, <br />March 8 and 22, 6-9 p.m. in the city council chambers. <br />C. Stillwater Area Chamber of Commerce <br />The city received a letter from Chris White, Exec Vice Pres., regarding a meeting <br />at the Washington County Government Center from 8 -10 a.m, on Friday, <br />February 25, 1994 to discuss a total reform of the state's property tax system.. <br />M/S/C Conlin/Johnson - to adjourn the council meeting at 10:35 p.m. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />Resolution No. 94-4 appointing Parks Commission as Tree Board; Parks <br />Department as Tree Department, and Parks Superintendent, Mike Bouthilet, as <br />"Tree Inspector". <br />Resolution No. 94-5, Granting a Minor Subdivision to Bonita and Donald Klatt <br />and Walter and Gladys Goetschel. <br />Resolution No. 94-6, Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation in Lots 1 and 3, <br />Block 2, DeMontreville Highlands 6th Addition. <br />Resolution No. 94-7, Mayor declared state of emergency due to a plug in one of <br />the water mains burst reduced water pressure and draining the water tower <br />Ordinance 8092, An Ordinance adding Sections 502.160, 502.166 and 502.170 <br />relating to erosion control <br />