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02-15-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
02-15-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES FEBRUARY 15, 1994 <br />D. MPCA Permit:201 Septic Systems <br />M/S/C Mottaz/ Johnston - to instruct the City Engineer to continue discussion <br />with the MPCA on their condition of an additional monitoring well for the <br />Oakland Jr. High School for permit renewal for the 201 septic system projects. <br />(Motion carried 5-0), <br />E. Letter from Grace Colisimo dated January 22, 1994 <br />Bohrer explained that for a public project the financial security is provided <br />through a developer's agreement which provides for the engineer to make an <br />estimate of the cost of the improvements. The ordinance requires 125% of that <br />estimated amount to be deposited with the city in the form of a cash escrow or <br />letter of credit. The road has to be built to city standards and if something goes <br />differently than what is estimated now, the city is adequately protected. The <br />letter from Grace Colisimo objects to the estimated project cost of approx <br />$30,000, particularly the engineering and legal fees. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to direct the city administrator send a letter, with the <br />input of the city engineer, to Grace Colisimo notifying her what recourse she <br />has. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />Lake Elmo City Center Concept: <br />Mayor John updated the council on the February 8th Town Meeting where he <br />presented the concept plan for a Lake Elmo City Center. John suggested setting <br />up a time for holding a charette which is a series of meetings where all the <br />issues surrounding such a development can be aired. Council members Conlin <br />and Johnson supported further discussion on the concept. Councilman Mottaz <br />supported the senior citizen housing, but does not support the entire project. <br />John will make a presentation on the city center concept at the next Planning <br />Commission meeting. <br />Highway 36 Intersections: <br />Mayor John reported the proposed intersections on Highway 36 were reviewed <br />at the Washington County Public Works Department. The diagrams of the <br />various interchanges that he had shown at the last council meeting were <br />discussed. John presented revised sketches of the interchanges'which reflect <br />current thinking. This does not mean that the ideas are totally acceptable by <br />MnDOT, but at least they have been agreed to by Pine Springs and Grant <br />Township. <br />
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