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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 1994 2 <br />M/S/C Conlin/ Mottaz - that the City Administrator write a letter to City of <br />Oakdale and invite them to a joint council meeting on Thursday, April 7, at 7 <br />p.m.; areas of discussion would be initiating the process --just getting together to <br />talk about how we are going to progress through the negotiations, set meeting <br />dates, review our letter to them, suggest having a mediator work with us and put <br />this in a form of an agenda, 2 or 3 bullets of some of the possibilities on process, <br />and set adjournment at 8:30 p.m. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />This letter will be included on the March 22, 1994 recodification workshop <br />agenda for council review. <br />6. PLANNING, LAND USE & ZONING: <br />A. Recommendation from Planning Commission on Highway 5 Study <br />On December 13,1993, the PZ made a motion to amend the Comp Plan Future <br />Land Use Map to show Limited Business - LB the same as allowed on 1-94 from <br />Stillwater Blvd., north of the railroad tracks to County Road 13, on the south side <br />of TH5. <br />Administrator Kueffner stated before a study is done, 3M should be brought in to <br />find out if they have intentions to develop their property. We are dealing with <br />Hwy. 5 to clean up the Animal Inn in Agricultural zoning with very small lots and <br />the Joe Roger's property. The PZ felt that LB would be a reasonable use on that <br />strip of land. <br />Council member Conlin explained the area that the planner suggested to look at <br />in the study takes in the 3M property north of 5 and all the way to Stillwater Road <br />to the south which is beyond the perimeters of what originally the PZ was looking <br />at. She definitely was not in favor of a study that large. Conlin indicated LB is a <br />good ordinance and suited for non -sewer area and appropriate for the south side <br />of Hwy 5 and the railroad tracks. She felt it would be good for the Mayor to meet <br />with 3M to discuss their long range plans for that area and at that time determine <br />if the study should be done to the north. <br />Council Member Mottaz added that we cannot exclude 3M property, but should <br />ask them if they have any current plans and involve them in what's going on. He <br />would like to wait until the Mayor comes back and ask him. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to table discussion on the Highway 5 Overlay Study <br />until the Mayor returns from vacation to receive his input. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />