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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 1994 <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />In his memo dated March 8, 1994 City Engineer Larry Bohrer indicated he made <br />a calculation of the volume of Olson Lake Estates Pond represented in the "as <br />approved" plan and compared it to the "as -constructed" plan as prepared by the <br />DNR. Pond volume below the outlet elevation is considered "dead" storage. It is <br />this volume which is most beneficial for water quality improvement. We find that <br />the dead storage as constructed exceeds the dead storage provided by the <br />approved plan by 13%. <br />Larry Bohrer reported that at the DNR meeting discussion continued on water <br />quality. It seemed that the DNR and Corp of Engineers were going to accept the <br />pond in its "as built" condition. A number of the members wanted to let the pond <br />function in its normal mode for one year and do some observations. Attorney <br />Dayton made it clear that Lake Elmo would not accept water of a quality that <br />would degrade Olson Lake. In order to keep dialogue going, a proposal was <br />made by Attorney Dayton with the understanding that it would be discussed at <br />this meeting. <br />These are the conditions under which the pond might be allowed to function <br />normally for one year: <br />1. The VBWD will propose a feasibility study to analyze upstream mitigation <br />measures, mitigation measures in Olson Lake Estate's Pond, and alternate <br />discharge routes. VBWD should fund the cost of the study. <br />2. The VBWD will pay for the chemical treatment of Olson Lake for one, year. <br />(The residents on the lake pay each year for treatment of the lake.) <br />3. A spring -time discharge should be done to create capacity in the Olson Lake <br />pond. Also, the Pond shall be treated prior to release, if appropriate. <br />4. Prior to any other discharge, Olson Lake Estate Pond shall be treated so <br />that phosphorus concentration is no greater than what exists in Olson Lake, <br />5. A monitoring program shall be conducted to measure the efficiency of the <br />Olson Lake Estates Pond treatment. <br />The Council suggested inviting the Tri Lakes Assoc to the next meeting to keep <br />them appraised of the situation. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - that a letter be prepared by the city engineer and <br />administrator stating the city's conditions on which the pond might be allowed <br />normal discharge for one year and forward the letter to VBWD. (Motion carried <br />4-0). <br />