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03-15-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
03-15-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 15, 1994 <br />B. Notification by VBWD of development Mannington Downs in West <br />Lakeland Township that is tributary to Downs Lake <br />Larry Bohrer reported that the VBWD notified the city of a proposed development <br />in West Lakeland Township, known as Mannington Downs, which is tributary to <br />Downs Lake. The development of this area will not increase the rate of surface <br />water runoff from the watershed; however, the volume of runoff will increase due <br />to the eventual increase in impervious surface. A decision to approve this <br />subdivision is scheduled at the March 24 VBWD meeting. In the revised 509 <br />plan, the VBWD is proposing a controlled outlet for Downs Lake, but no <br />timetable was developed. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to send a letter to the VBWD encouraging them to <br />accelerate the project to construct an outlet to Downs Lake and ask if there is <br />additional ponding besides the wetlands planned for the new development, <br />Mannington Downs, In West Lakeland Township because this is considered a <br />flood sensitive area. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />The City Administrator will notify Ann Bucheck, Eden Park, that the Mannington <br />Downs Development will be on the March 24, 1994 VBWD agenda. <br />8. CITY ATTORNEY'S REPORT <br />Officials to be reimbursed for legal fees <br />Attorney Filla reported the Afton circumstance are not exactly the same as Lake <br />Elmo's in the following way: Lake Elmo's case involves a lawsuit by a resident <br />against two council members who were found not in violation of the open <br />meeting law. The Afton case involved a lawsuit by a resident against 3 council <br />members who were subsequently found to have violated the open meeting law <br />even though it may have been unintentional. In addition, in Afton the 3 council <br />members sued the city and the League of Cities. District Court threw out their <br />claims and the appellate court has now reversed. The District Court had said <br />there is a provision in the standard League of Minnesota Cities Insurance Trust <br />Contract that the appellate court requires the League of Cities reimburse for <br />legal costs incurred. This issue is not present in the Lake Elmo case. The <br />League of Cities intends to appeal this and have filed petition. They don't know <br />if the Supreme Court is going to accept the case for review. <br />Attorney Filla was told by the League of Minnesota Cities, pending the outcome <br />of this before the Supreme Court, to file a claim. He will review the letter that <br />was sent to the city denying coverage from the League of MN Cities and draft <br />the correspondence with copies of the appropriate bills and request they <br />reimburse the city under this provision of the standard contract that also applies <br />to Lake Elmo. <br />
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