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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 8, 1994 <br />At the February 28th meeting, the Planning Commission tabled further review of <br />the recodification until they receive more detailed direction the City Council or <br />City Administrator. <br />M/S/C Conlin/Johnson - to direct the Planning Commission to establish a sub <br />committee of three PZ members that would work with Steve Schwanke to set up <br />an aggressive schedule to accomplish completion of Sections 300 and 400 in <br />one month and report back to the council within one month on their progress and <br />to request the planner meet with the city administrator to discuss revision of his <br />contract for him to work with the Commission. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Section 540 - Uniform Naming and Numbering System• <br />The following questions were asked of the Building Official: <br />Section 540.01: What is the map they are referring to that is adopted and made <br />a part of this section? <br />Section 540.02: Does this commit the city to change the exceptions; such as <br />Jackpine Trail, Cherrywood Trail, etc.? <br />Section 540.03, Subd. 1, What is Section 405 they are referring to? <br />Section 545-Manufactured Home Park, Subd.1 <br />What is the definition of "body feet'? Who is the secretary that the manufacturer <br />files a certification with. <br />Subd. 8 Utility Building: What does this refer to? <br />The Council accepted the proposed changes through Subd. 13 Open Space. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 p.m. (Motion carried 4- <br />0). <br />