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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MARCH 8, 1994 2 <br />VBWD recommended 966.9 as the minimum established building elevation to <br />the city of Oakdale. Oakdale accepted this, but it was not enforced. Therefore, <br />there are at least two homes that were built below this 966.9 elevation. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - that will not voluntarily accept the discharge of <br />water into Olson Lake which will'degrade the quality of water in Olson Lake. <br />(Motion carried 4-0). <br />M/S/C Johnson/Mottaz - to authorize Chuck Dayton, Leonard, Street and <br />Deinard, to attend the DNR meeting on Friday, March 11, at a cost not to <br />exceed $1,000. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Letter to MWCC <br />At the March 3rd meeting, the council directed Larry Bohrer to draft a letter to the <br />Metro Council•and'the MWCC objecting to the projected sewer flows and lack of <br />interceptor for Lake Elmo. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to submit the draft letter, signed by the City Administrator, <br />to. the MWCC with copies to Craig Morris and Jack Frost. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />Update on Legislative Hearing <br />Councilman Johnson reported House File 1828, as introduced by Walt Perlt, to <br />allow Oakdale to petition independently to annex properties currently owned by <br />MnDOT that are within the jurisdiction of lake Elmo was defeated today by a vote <br />of 11-9 in the House Committee on Local Government Affairs. The Acting <br />Mayor, City Administrator, and City Attorney did a fine job of presenting the <br />opposition case. <br />Afton City Officials Court Case:Officials to be reimbursed for legal fees <br />M/S/C Johnson/Conlin - to direct the City Attorney to investigate this and report <br />to the council as to our chances of getting insurance money for fees that we paid <br />out in the case of a similar charge of former councilman Lee Hunt and the City of <br />Lake Elmo. (Motion carried 4-0). <br />4. Recodification of Lake Elmo Municipal Code <br />Steve Schwanke reported that his experience has been that most city councils <br />and advisory commissions establish an advisory body or have the staff go <br />through what has been revised and then bring it to the policy making body for <br />the broader policy issues and hold the public hearing. The concern he has it can <br />take so long that the recodification review may die before the document can be <br />completed. <br />