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04-19-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-19-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 1994 2 <br />Sunfish Park -Damage Report: <br />Deputy Carey reported that on Saturday night, April 16, a group of young adults <br />broke the Sunfish park gate and drove back to the NSP powerlines and had a <br />party. One of the vehicles got stuck and had to be towed out by a tow truck <br />which caused considerable damage from where the powerline trail crosses by <br />the monitor well and from there back out to the public works building. Carey is <br />waiting for damage estimates and will talk to Attorney Filla when she receives <br />the report. <br />B. Establishing Human Rights Commission <br />The Council suggested amending the resolution to read as follows: F. The <br />Commission shall not seek to impose penalties. Carol Banister reported the <br />outlay cost would be $25/year. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/John - to table until the May 3rd council meeting and request city <br />attorney review Item 3. Organization and make a recommendation. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />C. Arbor Day Proclamation <br />Mayor Wyn John proclaimed April 29, 1994 as Arbor Day and May, 1994 as <br />Arbor Month in the City of Lake Elmo <br />Mike Bouthilet reported the following: <br />There will be an Arbor Day Celebration on Friday, April 29, 1:00 p.m., City Hall, <br />where Lake Elmo elementary students will plant a tree in observance of Arbor <br />Day. On May 7th, 8 a.m., approx. 12-15 shade trees will be planted in the parks <br />around the play equipment by the Park Commission, Lake Elmo Jaycees, and <br />other local volunteers. On May 12th, Sandy Fisk's class from the Lake Elmo <br />Elementary School will plant 250 trees on the western edge of driveway of <br />Sunfish Lake Park. These trees are being planted with the intention of becoming <br />a future windbreak. <br />Sunfish Park:Determine what to do with field that will no longer be planted with <br />corn for deer:Bouthilet reported that Lehard Friedrich did not want to continue to <br />plant a field in Sunfish Park with corn for the deer in the park. Mr. Friedrich <br />recommended that the 19 acres should now be planted with a grass or hay <br />cover to discourage noxious weeds from taking over. The Parks Commission <br />recommended the city council approve the purchase of a pasture mix to plant 19 <br />acres in Sunfish Park. Gaylen Springborn is interested in renting the 19 acres <br />located in Sunfish Lake Park for one year at $35/acre. <br />
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