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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES APRIL 19, 1994 <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to authorize the staff to proceed entering in an <br />agreement with Gaylen Springborn for planting the 19 acres located in Sunfish <br />Lake Park for one year at $35/acre. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />5. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: <br />A. Ordinance rezoning Outlot A -Lake Elmo Heights 2nd Addition from <br />RR to RE <br />In his letter to the City, dated April 15, 1994, Attorney Filla provided his review or <br />Resolution No. 87-33, Development Agreement, Declaration of Protection <br />Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Outlot A, Lake Elmo Heights 2nd <br />Addition. Filla explained the city has the authority to allow for the redevelopment <br />of Outlot A which would be accomplished by changing zoning regulations and <br />approving a plat for the redevelopment of Outlot A. In addition, if the City wishes <br />to proceed in this manner, it should adopt a motion amending Section 6 of <br />Resolution No. 87-33. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnson - to remove the motion back onto the table. (Motion <br />carried 5-0). <br />Larry Mann, 8301 27th St. N, presented a petition on behalf of thirteen <br />homeowners in Lake Elmo Heights, requesting the city council deny rezoning of <br />Lake Elmo Heights, Outlot A. <br />M/S/C Conlin/John - to adopt Ordinance 8094, An Ordinance amending Section <br />301.070C. of the 1979 Lake Elmo Municipal Code rezoning Outlot A, Lake Elmo <br />Heights 2nd Addition, from Rural Residential (RR) to Residential Estates (RE) . <br />(Motion carried 4-1:Mottaz felt the city allowed an exception to the zoning in the <br />Ist addition of Lake Elmo Heights allowing more homes on the entire parcel and <br />allowed clustering to reduce road construction costs, but required the developer <br />to establish Outlot A to be used for a single home and agricultural purposes, and <br />the developer accepted this proposal. The city should not now renege on this #6 <br />provision in Resolution 87-33. This would allow a more dense concentration of <br />homes than what we now allow under RAD zoning.) <br />The majority of the Council expressed their concern with the developer's attempt <br />at annexing this land to Oakdale. If that occurs, this land would end up in very <br />high density housing. The majority of the council felt allowing the development <br />of Outlot A is responsible planning for the long term. <br />M/S/C Johnson/John - to amend Resolution No. 87-33, A Resolution approving <br />the Final Plat to Lake Elmo Heights 2nd Addition, by deleting Condition #6., <br />"Outlot A will remain open space and nothing more than one single family <br />dwelling will be allowed on Outlot A." (Motion carried 4-1:Mottaz:Same reason <br />as stated before). <br />