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�dhro <br />Tv <br />Fron-: <br />Sub,:,: <br />UaN <br />Lai:e "I rl(• --ii V .oU tl Cli <br />.. j'.-.,... Ii on i; ii ..Li 4`+� <br />)i].'i pi+_, `tdmini<<t:r,)r �.0 I.f �.tt'r.( iA' <br />with Ma --,,or Ted Bear-l],',' Administrator Craig t�_al :' ill ail i i: <br />iSl' <br />ldil SaCiliiieiei ri liic t�ii:}' s +.7ai:iiaie LG UIi CU.Se c` H ;,ir'c)jrOSed till lr;iiii <br />The prol,lIein emphasised 1:,,v Mayor Bearth, `. as our r'e'qu t tO 1a;dafe tCi <br />give UP SCIX-er capacity to enable Lake elmo to provide s-'wer capacity to tht` <br />440 acre strip to the north of )'iigl`11�v'av 04 Oakdale had a colicer'11 it) `;Iv1119 <br />up Capacity when thev were Unsure whether they had enoi!gli Cao,.tC'it-,. tCi <br />meet their own deeds. He declared that tw.hat had ben already aH,)cated lid' <br />the Metropolitan Council to that area to the East of '6' AEi 13 'is is no, an <br />Based o11 ;heir land use plan ,her- ;,,'as clot enough to serve their o'. n needs, <br />within the existing NIUSA area, <br />Cram Waldron added an additional concern that extension of the MUS j <br />eastwards would cause Lake Elmo s sewered, land use to be direct.!;- <br />ctjn]peling with Oakdale s redevelopment and development plans along 1- ,1. <br />Nis. Kut-frner felt that the Lake Elmo s Business mark Ordinance was such that. <br />r <br />Lake Eliilo develCip,iLel]t'y✓c)uid be i11udl Sii)es'2I' paced anal unli vl'% to cause <br />Oakdale anv concern. <br />Larr<, Boh-er indicated that teased on the Oakdale ? Gate=.ay and municipai <br />grill course proposals. there was some .over capacity', but not enough to merct <br />Lake Flmo s total needs.'There appeared to he aii excess of 65.000 gallons <br />per day, .Lame Elmo s additional need would be for 10..000 gaiions per dal--. <br />Brian Bac:liiieier iniib.:ated �lial Uak-dale did not .ha'se a orobletu. iP. <br />then, m%-- seIver re;-aiS a tlie`% had `eidi;U i i ::al .it:l.s -11- iiF;:. 1 Ul..i.(1A,, io <br />the west of 1-6 94 to tll':et their comprehen;7ivv plan. Thi,-, could neit hc°lp <br />Lake Elmo, as the pipe connected into the '_]laic] stern fown,,tream cif the <br />WONE .intarcceotor restriction. <br />Brian Bachmeier also indicated that the ,Joint Powers Al reemen?. ':dhich <br />would base cost allocations on ultimate fl,)W,s, ""as nut a ce,:tai, .- "iSed on. <br />Oakdale s seiver need. the-.1- would ilicocr cur is tiv;ji it :ref <br />