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they' t::ouid like WAil a Stand alone project. i.ian'ia;e ".1 oulid he p!'epal'eu to <br />C(Mtribute 'Neil' stand, ak)ne co -,its to a i(Ant l71'i I Ct i?ut n0i Inore.. i this <br />stage 1t -,vas :?li;')ia iZ.e t :ll t':;'lthout addiLiC)l:;li s=-,ver calk: ii)r <br />Elmo ill such a oilltect'.%C)i+ld :iUt be cC;:)t Cff`eCi1' J - i 1 �e 101..ah.. <br />EI1ll0. <br />Craig WUldrOil indIC-Zed that they were still looking for waS'c in `vhIcii <br />anneNation legislation could be successfully .introduced co%,ering the disputed <br />land. Then challenged for an indication on what ty: pe .2)f i.2'�i(e ;)lf i�'ouId be <br />considered for the se`v'er capacioY, lie inCdicated all hlteres1 In perhaps <br />annexation of the 3-M-Prripert': to the Fast of Ideal. This generated a strong; <br />reaction. I pointed out that Jake Efino .voulu' be prepared to ci)llslder a <br />reasonable 3M proposal. and would b!� prepared to cooperate with Oakdale if <br />the proposal covered the contiguous property; in both cities. But any attempt <br />to annex 3ivl property would be strongly resisted. <br />A possible Joint project for the extension of Helmo Avenue northward,, to <br />align with ideal avenue at Stillwater boulevard was also proposed. This <br />would slake a logical interchange at Ideal/Stillwater Boulevard, This issue <br />did not get discussed further. <br />It was agreed that both groups would report back to their respective <br />councils, and meet in two to three weeks time to discuss these issues further, <br />after obtaining council response. <br />