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04-05-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
04-05-94 CCM
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G-(� <br />March 11,1994 <br />Sharon Lumby <br />Deputy City Clerk <br />City of Lake Elmo <br />My family and I live on 15th street North and are neighbors <br />of Sue Sampson. I am sure you know of all the problems we have <br />witnessed over the last 2 years. That is why I am writing to you <br />today. There are many rules in life, some of which we agree with <br />and some we may not, but as a society we have a responsibilty to <br />follow the rules. If we do not, there are penalties which are put <br />in place to avoid similar problems. In the Sampson barn issue this <br />is not the case. I am very disturbed that the city has allowed the <br />obvious disregard of city ordinances and policy to go unpunished! <br />Sue Sampson has known all along what she did was not acceptable. <br />I sat in on all the meetings of the City Council when it was <br />decided she was in violation and she was given a deadline to take <br />down or move the barn. Each time the deadline passed without any <br />concern, on her part, of a penalty for her inaction. She has been <br />given more than her share of chances to correct her mistake and to <br />try and restore order to our neighborhood. Take the action that <br />is needed to remove the violation and restore my faith in the <br />City of Lake Elmo. <br />I am also writing on a related issue. I received a notice <br />that my other neighbor, John Nicholson would like a variance for <br />his barn. In this situation, the barn has no effect on myself <br />or my property. If this is also the case with the Linders <br />Greenhouse property, then I see no reason not to allow the <br />variance. But I want to emphasize only if Linders also agree to <br />this proposal. This is not the situation we have in the Sue <br />Sampson issue. If this is, in any way, seen as a tactic by Sue <br />Sampson to help her cause and to allow her barn to stay, then John <br />Nicholson's request should be delayed until Sue Sampson's barn is <br />either moved or torn down! Our neighborhood is being divided by <br />the actions of a few and inactions of many. Have Sue Sampson <br />abide by the rules and restore calm to our little section of <br />Lake Elmo. <br />Sincerely, <br />Steven Dahly <br />8955 15th St. N. <br />Lake Elmo, MN <br />
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