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thev : vuJci !,ace `.with a stand alone project. Ua;da,;e ouid ^a ,?ru?treci :o <br />cCAltrliiflte their Stai1C1 ajune cost to a ioull of lie:G ?UG 110) Illore At this <br />tll ou,. add! ti'./il al i4,ver cara,. f i <br />.Elmo i-o Such a li�lil�, ntur�. tli-' y roj—vct •v)uiilot IE4 Ct.)St <br />El In <br />cral'i '}; ;tl<iron indicated that ih'ev ire:,e si loo : r ' ? a t pistil <br />IlJ ki 1� 1C71' i'. F G <br />aillleSa6G71 le' iSlatk)n could be successlutlti .lniroduced coverin'u the dieputed <br />land. When challenged for an indication on what type Of trade off be <br />considered for the Sewer capac tv. lie lildicated an interest in oerhaps <br />annexation of the j1i to the East of ;deal. This gejllrated a stroi;g <br />re action. i pi)inted Out that Lake Dino would be prepared to consider a <br />reasonable 13�4 proposal, and would be prepared to cooperate with Oakdale it <br />the proposal covered the contiguous properv..* in both cities. But an,: attempt <br />to annex a1$ property would be strongly resisted. <br />A possible joint project for the extension of Heimo Avenue Northwards to <br />align With ideal :venue at Stillwater boulevard was also proposed. This <br />would illake a logical interchange at Idea- UStillwater Boulevard: Ti11s 1SSUe <br />did not get discussed further. <br />It was agireed that both groups'NOuld report back to then' respective <br />i. councils. and meet in two to three weeks time to discuss these issues further, <br />after Obtaining council response. <br />