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To: <br />From <br />Subject <br />Date: <br />Lake Elmo Clt\: CoUnC11 <br />Lake Elm_) Ciro ."�dUli;.li:�trattx <br />Wn John <br />Su,�m�.4 (4 <br />I�\So ( -aa � N) <br />—3-- qc( <br />Valley Branch watershed District fleeting Apvtl ?y. 1904 <br />.lfa�:- 3.lgya <br />At the recent `v'BWD meeting, attended by Larr:+ fkUhrer. special _"'. <br />Chuck Dayton and m'..self,the subject of the Olsen Lake Estates Pond was <br />reviewed, Barr Engineering had prepared an estimat-a for the approximate <br />month[`-' ousts for testing water q ualit` of bo l; t71se.^. Lake states +OI "1 �r + <br />s -i t �: Lr.:1._ri�:. <br />and other neighboring waters. This was $680 per month for OLE and d 42t1 <br />for each additional water bodv. In addition, an estimate of $4,500 was given <br />for a one time .Alum treatment. <br />Obviously these costs venerated come di cussion. in 199', Olsen Lake Estates <br />Pond. Olsen Lake and Crombie pond had been tested four times - twice Prior <br />to outfetting to Olsen Lake. and twice afterwards. Testing of OLE ,a,as done in <br />the vicinity of the outlet at the South end of the pond. <br />It was not proposed that Olsen Lake would be duality tested to 1994, as it <br />wash t on the schedule. This would be something, that Lake Elmo would want <br />done, if plans to discharge into Olsen Lake from OLE are carried out. <br />At this stage I read out the attached note which sunamarised the Lake Elmo <br />Councils position after the last special Council meeting on 1pri136. President <br />Zetterherg asked that the note be made a part of the minutes. He also stated <br />that he expected that Lake Elmo s attorney would intervene under the <br />Minnesota Environmental Rights statute, l said we would do so. <br />We emphasised the need to treat the Pond prior to an '`emergency <br />discharge . President Zetterbe.rg did not thin[: that this would be cost <br />e h0r S Wo �1 fl... 1 <br />effectl�.� as the phCrSp,,vr Us Ci%n�e:It •sv�;Ulu be tu.t" lil itle Spring. <br />It was agreed that the alum treatment would need a PCA permit. which <br />might not be forthcoming, in spite of the support of Barbara Ohrnan I BSWR i <br />for the action. ,Ir Moosebruegger wondered on the value gained from the <br />expenditure. Eventually: it was decided 1 J% 1 , ith one abstention! to proceed <br />with the DNR and PCA permit reuuestS for a One time tre'cttnlent 1)r(Wided <br />there is a need to discharge from OLE pond before the scheduled te:ttn5. <br />