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As for the rer(uttiMI of the, OLE inlet to the north. Mr. Bachm6r haul <br />( provided a bail -park estlrtlate of'50 to hi) thousand for this `,"Uri:. Ti1;5 <br />proposal had been defeated 4/1 at the Oakdale Citq Council. Tile: ,wanted thv <br />cleclsicn to reroute the inlet to be taken by ^omeone el.e, <br />Having approved the alUm treatment in principle. the ` BWD '."Sent on Co <br />othinsublects. <br />[This evening at 7 p,nl., I received a call from, Mr, Peter Zetterberg. There <br />;will be a special meeting of the VBWr.) on Thursday, May 7, at 630 11.111. at <br />the Lake Elmo City Hall. <br />Olsen Lake Estates Pond is currently at 962.0 ASL, The contractor Who `viii <br />drt the alum treatment is ayadable i, iday/Saturday, but not for anoth-r <br />moni-la subsequently, Barr Engineering will test the pond tomorrow , and <br />have results available for Thursday;. a decision can then be made on a one <br />time treatment of the pond prior to discharge. <br />dr. Zetterberg is meeting with. members of the Lakes Olsen & Demont.reville <br />Association this evening. <br />