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05-03-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
05-03-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES MAY 3, 1994 <br />can or cannot occur. The representatives of the property owners have indicated <br />that they would be willing to provide an educational presentation on the recycling <br />operation. The Council is interested in confining recycling of blacktop and <br />concrete to existing mining operations and not opening this to all Ag properties. <br />M/S/ Mottaz/Johnston - to direct the staff to prepare an amendment to the <br />definition of mining to include recycling of blacktop and concrete <br />M/S/C Conlin/John - to amend the motion to include the Planning Commission <br />be directed to address the environmental issues, defined as noise, dust, ground <br />contamination, and address the question whether or not the city would want to <br />support recycling of blacktop and concrete. (Motion carried 4- 1: Mottaz: Asphalt <br />in the non -liquid state is not environmentally damaging. He considers this <br />redundant because environmental issues would be discussed in a public <br />hearing.) <br />Larry Bohrer explained that sometimes mining is considered a temporary use in <br />that the natural resource is processed and hauled out. Once the resource is <br />used up, the land is put to another end use. With recycling, since the raw <br />materials are brought into the site, this essentially could allow the use to go on in <br />perpetuity. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Johnston - to direct the staff to prepare an amendment to the <br />definition of mining to include recycling of blacktop and concrete for review at a <br />Public Hearing: (Motion carried 4-1:Conlin:Asphalt or blacktop is known to be <br />highly toxic, environmental effects are unknown, how would we enforce <br />standards needed). <br />Attorney Filla stated the city would not approve expansion of this concept unless <br />it was environmentally safe. Filla made it clear to the Hammes' that in addition <br />to a change in the definition of mining, considering environmental impacts, his <br />advise to the council is that they (Hammes) would have to change/amend their <br />CUP sometime during this process. This is not just a zoning code amendment. <br />D. Appointment to M.A.C. <br />M/S/C Johnston/Johnson - to appoint Curtiss (Bud) Talcott, 8051 Hill Trail N., to <br />the MAC Committee. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />
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