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06-21-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-21-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 21, 1994 <br />C. PUBLIC HEARING: Variance to impervious surface standard: <br />Applicant: D.C. Sales, 9242 Hudson Blvd. <br />Mayor John opened the public hearing at 7:21 p.m. in the council chambers. The <br />public hearing was published in the June 8, 1994 Stillwater Gazette Extra and adjoining <br />property owners were notified. The Council received the June 14, 1994 memo from <br />City Planner, Steve Schwanke. <br />Greg Dovolis, D.C. Sales Company, stated the building expansion is needed to meet <br />growth in business activity and the hardship is unique to the land, and the building <br />involved cannot be expanded vertically. <br />There was no one to speak against the variance request. <br />Mayor John closed the public hearing at 7:23 p.m. <br />M/S/C John/Johnston - to grant the request of D.C. Sales, 9242 Hudson Road, for a <br />variance to the impervious surface standards in the GB zoning district provided the <br />applicant constructs the reserved parking area out of porous block structures which <br />would meet the city's impervious surface coverage and to require an additional 0.11 <br />AcYt. of dead storage in the pond as recommended in Larry Bohrer's letter dated <br />March 18, 1994. (Motion carried 4-1:Johnson:The 35% impervious surface coverage <br />requirement was already a compromise. Granting this variance would establish a <br />precedent). <br />M/S/C John/Johnston - to approve the requested 14,632 square foot addition to the <br />existing building by D.C.Sales. (Motion carried 4-1:Johnson: Without additional parking, <br />he did not know if there would be ample parking.) <br />D. Site and Plan Review: Springborn Green Acres - Addition to existing <br />building <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to approve the site and plan review for the proposed 40' x 40' <br />addition to the Springborn Green Acres chalet as recommended by the Planning <br />Commission. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />E. Alternative Ag: Recommendation from Planning Commission <br />Todd Williams, 3025 Lake Elmo Avenue, stated if the council is concerned that some of <br />the uses that are normally allowed in commercial zoning district are not appropriate for <br />Alternative Ag uses why not amend the ordinance to restrict these types of uses and <br />define the allowed uses rather than repeal the entire ordinance. He feels it does allow <br />preservation of Ag land which is a dwindling commodity in this city. <br />
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