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06-21-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
06-21-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES JUNE 21, 1994 <br />Tom P. Armstrong asked the council not to repeal the ordinance because they would <br />be punished severely if the ordinance is repealed. This would make their buildings non- <br />conforming and if they are destroyed over 50% by fire, tornado or other hazards, they <br />would not be able to rebuild. Items that need to be addressed are in terms of the <br />outside storage definition, the actual defined CUP site, what is the contiguous land, <br />what is the actual CUP site control, and how does that affect surrounding parcels <br />regarding the zoning. <br />M/S/C Mottaz/Conlin - to adopt Ordinance 8097 repealing 301.070 D.1.b.(6) of the <br />Lake Elmo Municipal Code relative to Alternative Uses in the Agricultural Zoning <br />District. (Motion carried 4-1:Johnson:He shares Armstrong's concern on rebuilding <br />there is ever a fire if he becomes a non -conforming use. He doesn't want to put <br />Armstrong out of business.) <br />F. Text Amendment to Alternative Ag <br />Tom P. Armstrong asked cannot their application be processed if the application was <br />submitted when the ordinance was still valid. Attorney Filla responded they do not have <br />a vested right to proceed with that application even though it was submitted before the <br />council's action this evening. The text amendment is a moot issue at this point. <br />G. Petition for Walter & Gladys Goetschel for detachment from Baytown and <br />a concurrent annexation to Lake Elmo <br />The City received a petition from Walter and Gladys Goetschel requesting annexation <br />to Lake Elmo of their property that lies between Highway 5 and the boundary line. <br />There are two small parcels within this area that are not owned by the Goetschel's. <br />M/S/C John/Conlin - to direct the city administrator to write a letter to Baytown formally <br />making this request and request time on their July 11, 1994 agenda to discuss the <br />Goetschel annexation and also approach the other owners to find out what their action <br />would be to this proposal. (Motion carried 5-0). <br />M/S/C Johnson/Johnston - to designate Mayor John to attend the July 11, 1994 <br />meeting to talk with the Baytown Township Board subject to the following conditions: (1) <br />The Mayor shall not be considered a committee or subcommittee of the council for this <br />purpose as those terms are used in the MN Open Meeting Law, (2) The Mayor shall <br />have no authority to act on behalf of the city without further council approval, (3) The <br />Mayor shall report to the Council regarding the content of such discussions, (4) The <br />council reserves the right to reevaluate the efficacy of the discussion process after the <br />meeting of July 11, 1994. (Motion carried 5-0: Mayor John modestly accepted this <br />designation). <br />
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