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APPROVED <br />MINUTES: 7-19-94 <br />LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES <br />July 5, 1994 <br />Mayor John called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. in the Council Chambers of Lake Elmo City <br />Hall. Present: John, Johnston, Johnson, Mottaz (arrived 7:08) Absent: Conlin. Also present: <br />City Administrator Kueffner, Assistant City Engineer Tom' Prew, and Stand In City Attorney Ken <br />Amdahl <br />I.AGENDA <br />M/S/P Johnson/Johnston - to accept the agenda as presented. (Motion passed 3-0.) <br />2. MINUTES: June 21, 1994 <br />M/S/P Johnston/Johnson - to approve the June 21, 1994 minutes as amended. (Motion passed <br />3-0) <br />3. CLAIMS <br />M/SIP Johnston/John - to approve the July 5, 1994 Claims #2772 through #2781, and #2783 <br />through #2854, and request the City Administrator review the maintenance agreement for the IBM <br />typewriter and try to considerably reduce the cost. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />4. PUBLIC INFORMATIONAL: <br />Lenore Mottaz, 8770 Demontreville Tr., asked the council if it was legal for local newspapers to <br />place or throw their papers in peoples driveways or lawns - the ones in plastic bags? Mrs. Mottaz <br />stated it appears to be littering because so many people do not pick them up, and the papers end <br />up on the streets and in the ditches. City Administrator Kueffner stated she will issue a notice in <br />the City Newsletter encouraging residents to pick up local newspapers when they see them lying <br />around and properly recycle them. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/John - to direct the City Administrator to write a letter to each of the local <br />publishing companies notifying them that throwing their newspapers on public property is in <br />violation of the City's litter ordinance. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />Gloria Knoblauch, 9181 31st St. N., stated she'd been reading the latest letters to the editor <br />regarding Oakdale creating a golf course with less houses around it than previously planned, and <br />now Lake Elmo is "bucking" them, and in her opinion Lake Elmo should sell the land to Oakdale <br />and get that golf course developed. Mayor John stated his objection is that part of the property <br />involved is located in Lake Elmo and Oakdale intends to condemn and annex that property and <br />has not approached Lake Elmo at all regarding this plan. <br />