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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes July 5, 1994 Page 2 <br />5. OLD BUSINESS: <br />A. Heritage Preservation Commission to discuss HPC Ordinance <br />At its last meeting, the council delayed consideration of this ordinance so they could review it <br />thoroughly and submit suggested changes to the City Administrator, and invited the Heritage <br />Preservation Commission to the July 5 meeting for discussion. <br />At tonight's meeting, Administrator Kueffner handed out a copy of the ordinance with the council <br />members' suggested revisions marked. The council wished to have more time to review the <br />revisions, and also allow the Heritage Commission members time to review the suggested <br />revisions. <br />MIS/P Mottaz/John - to table this to the next meeting and request the Heritage Preservation <br />Commission receive copies of the ordinance with the suggested revisions, and ask that the <br />(Heritage Preservation) commission members come to the next City Council meeting for <br />discussion and to answer questions. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />B. Building Official's Vehicle <br />At its last meeting, June 21, the City Council directed the City Administrator to investigate <br />different financing options, and obtain quotes. The city staff worked with MAC members and sent <br />a letter, dated June 23, 1994, to nine area dealerships, requesting bids. The letter specified for <br />bids on a 1993 or 1994 model, 4-door hatchback or station wagon, auto. transmission, front <br />wheel drive, AM/FM radio, less than 15,000 miles, with warranty, and finance options. The <br />deadline for bids was 4:00 p.m., July 1. On June 30, the City received one bid from Valley <br />Pontiac in Hastings, for a 1994 Buick Century Wagon for $15,390.00, and on July 5, the City <br />received a quote from Brockman Motors for a lease contract for a Chrysler Mini Van. <br />City Administrator Kueffner stated the City cannot accept the one bid, because it is $15,390, and <br />State Law requires sealed bids for anything over $15,000. The council discussed concerns of <br />why only one quote was received, however, no conclusion was drawn. The council discussed if it <br />was legal for a city staff member to go to area dealerships and get quotes for a hatchback type <br />vehicle, which could probably be purchased for under $15,000.00. The council felt a personal <br />approach would be more constructive. <br />MIS/P Mottaz/Johnston - to request the City Building Official, Jim McNamara, go to several <br />dealerships and acquire quotes for a Ford Escort Hatchback, or its equivalent, with auto. <br />transmission, AM/FM radio, air cond., whatever he (the Building Official) needs, for under <br />$15,000.00, and bring the quotes to the City Council for consideration. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />