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Lake Elmo City Council Minutes July 5, 1994 Page 4 <br />Administrator Kueffner stated she invited Mr. Rogers to the Council meeting to confirm that he <br />does have street access to his property (Rogers' property is part of the property under <br />consideration for this Comp. Plan Amendment). Mr. Rogers stated he does have existing access <br />to his property from Stillwater Blvd., granted by Washington County. <br />MIS/P Mottaz/John - to table this item to the next meeting for a full council. (Motion passed 4- <br />0.) <br />B. Sign Ordinance - Recommendation from Planning Commission <br />At its June 22 meeting, the Planning Commission recommended the City Council adopt the <br />recodified Sign Ordinance as amended by the commission. The council made the following <br />observations: (1) Page 535-2 D. spelling error ( ... awning); (2) Page 535-5 Sect. 535.06 <br />Political Signs and Page 535-8 Section 635.26 Political Signs Exemption contradict each <br />other - 7 days vs. 10 days and posting date; (3) add wording on Page 535-11 Subd. 5 A. (second <br />sentence) painted at least once every two (2) years, if needed, as determined by the Code <br />Enforcement Officer. including ... , and (4) Page 535-7 Section 535.17 Offensive Signs - is this <br />language legal? <br />M/S/P John/Mottaz - to table this item to the next meeting for the amendments to be made and <br />for clarification on Sections 535.06 & 535.26, and request City Attorney suggest appropriate <br />legal, but strong, language on Section 535.17. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />7. CITY ENGINEER'S REPORT <br />A. Proposed parking lot for Lake Elmo Elementary School <br />The council received a letter, dated July 5, 1994, from Dan Parker, Business Manager for <br />Stillwater Area Schools (Dist #834) and a sketch plan of a temporary employee parking lot <br />proposed for Lake Elmo Elementary School, to alleviate the existing congested parking problem. <br />Mr. Parker was present and explained screening, safety issues, and determining factors for the <br />design of this plan. Mr. Parker stated the plan is to lease the property, and if possible to <br />construct the gravel parking area for use this fall. Tom Prew stated a variance to Section <br />301.130 E. 1. requirement that non-residential uses shall utilize asphalt or concrete parking <br />surfaces, and also a variance to Section 301.130 E. 4. e. set back requirement of 5' from property <br />lines. <br />MIS/P Mottaz/John - to give concept approval of the parking area as presented, and direct the <br />school to work with city staff and submit a formal request/application, and call a public hearing, at <br />the earliest convenience, for variances to parking lot set backs to property lines and to the <br />bituminous requirement for non-residential parking area. (Motion passed 4-0.) <br />