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08-16-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-16-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 10 <br />between the open storage and the buildings. This has to occur no later than June 1, <br />1995. Thomas P. Armstrong indicated there were to be plantings in this area, and they <br />would have no problem complying with the landscape plan and will put some 6-8' trees <br />in there by next summer. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/Johnson - to authorize the grading permit by the city to Washington <br />County for placement of fill on the Armstrong property; subject to the conditions as <br />stated in Attorney Filla's letter dated August 16,1994 (1) Washington County will not <br />dispose of fill in a manner that is inconsistent with the conditions attached to the <br />Armstrong Conditional Use Permit as determined by the City's Consulting Engineer; (2) <br />Any other conditions as the City's Consulting Engineer or Council deem appropriate <br />(these should be specified when council issues grading permits) and conditions set by <br />the city engineer as follows: (3) the grading shall be in accordance with the Washington <br />County plan drawing #67 of state aid project 82-610-04, (4). turf restoration be <br />performed by landowner, meaning seeding and mulching within two weeks of the <br />completion of the filling and grading operations. (5). silt fence for erosion control be <br />placed on the down slope side of the fill areas until turf is established on those slopes. <br />(Motion passed 5-0). <br />9. CITY COUNCIL REPORTS: <br />A. Mayor John reported: <br />On August 3, he attended the meeting to discuss planning activities for the 1-94 <br />corridor at the Fortis building in Woodbury. The discussion was facilitated by Bob <br />Hume, executive of the H.B. Fuller Company and Chair of the Washington County Cost <br />Effective Operations Commission. <br />On August 9, he attended the preconstruction discussion on the reconstruction of <br />County Road 10 at the Washington County Public Works building. <br />On August 15, he went to the Valley Access Channels studios where he had been <br />invited to outline the concept for a Rural City Center in Lake Elmo on their Valley Insight <br />program. <br />10. CITY ADMINISTRATOR'S REPORT: <br />A. Resolution No. 94-22 Designating polling places for September 13 Primary and <br />November 8 General Election <br />M/SIP Mottaz/Johnston - to adopt Resolution No. 94-22 designating polling places for <br />September 13 Primary and November 8 General Election. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />
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