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08-16-94 CCM
City Council
City Council - Final Meeting Minutes
08-16-94 CCM
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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 <br />E. Request from E&H Earthmovers for temporary stockpiling of dirt <br />E&H Earthmovers has a contract with 3M companies to construct some mitigation <br />ponds in Tartan Park. Forest Lake Contracting, who is the successful bidder on the <br />county road 10 project, intends to purchase the sand from E&H and use it in the county <br />road project. Because of some delays in getting the county road project started, the <br />sand from the mitigation ponds cannot be taken directly to the county road project. The <br />contract completion date for the mitigation ponds for E&H is August 31,1994. They are <br />asking to temporarily pile this sand from the mitigation sight until it can be hauled to the <br />county road 10 project on E&H property. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/John - to allow E&H Earthmovers to temporary stockpile sand (approx. <br />30,000 cubic yards) subject to a security deposit of $1,000 for erosion control <br />measures. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />8. CITY ATTORNEYS REPORT: <br />A. Ordinance 8102 - relating to temporary on sale intoxicating and non -intoxicating <br />liquor licenses <br />The City attorney prepared an ordinance which would bring our code into compliance <br />with a state law that went into effect on August 1,1994. The council received a letter <br />from John Riehle, Guardian Angels Church, dated August 15, 1994, raising concerns <br />and asking for the city's attention to these matters. <br />M/S/P John/Johnson - to adopt Ordinance 8102 relating to temporary on -sale <br />intoxicating and non -intoxicating liquor licenses. (Motion passed 5- 0). <br />The council determined the two additional changes mentioned in the city attorney's <br />letter of August 11, 1994 should not be incorporated into the city code. <br />B. Permit to fill on Armstrong property (Continuation) <br />The Council received a letter from Attorney Filla dated August 16, 1994 regarding the <br />Armstrong Conditional Use Permit and Washington County Fill and Grading Operation. <br />Filla reviewed a document in the city file entitled "Legal Description - Armstrong <br />Property". which was submitted in connection with the application for the Armstrong <br />Conditional Use Permit and refers to the same exhibits which are incorporated in the <br />Armstrong Conditional use Permit. This document indicated that the floor elevations of <br />the buildings on the Armstrong property will be approx. 1,062 feet above sea level. The <br />County Engineer has stated that final grade of the disposal area will not exceed 1,062 <br />feet above sea level. <br />In the Armstrong permit there is a schedule for completion of landscaping and <br />suggested guidelines for tree heights at various times. The exterior storage, where <br />there were to be 100 vehicles, was to be bordered on the west by some plantings in <br />
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