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LAKE ELMO CITY COUNCIL MINUTES AUGUST 16, 1994 <br />recognize that you may disagree and the city may agree with your recommendation <br />and also disagree with that position. In recognizing that you disagree whether Mr. <br />Colon has the right to consideration under the 1979 plan, we have an alternative <br />request for consideration of an amendment to the 1990 comp plan to allow for this <br />property to be rezoned from RR to HB to accommodate this development proposal.' <br />Attorney Filla commented, "I think that is a request for a dual track review of the <br />application." <br />Mayor John explained that In the event the city considers your application under the <br />1979 comp plan and in the event that it is rejected under the 1979 plan, it then moves <br />forward to be considered under the 1990 plan. <br />Attorney Niles, "I believe that would be acceptable to Mr. Colon". <br />Mayor John, "Would that be acceptable to Mr. Filla?" Attorney Filla, "Yes, Deal." <br />Attorney Niles commented that the problem they are trying to avoid is if we don't get <br />approval under the 1979 plan do we then have to pull the trigger on litigation in order <br />not to waive any rights while the application is processed under the 1990 comp plan. <br />The reasons we proposed it the way we did was specifically designed so that if the city <br />is inclined to grant the request one way or another we don't end up in any litigation. <br />M/S/P Mottaz/John - to table until the September 6, 1994 council meeting in order to <br />furnish the council all information in advance of meeting that our legal counsel feels is <br />required to them to make an informed decision; such as the booklet submitted with the <br />1994 application, copy of the 1980 application, Judge Doyscher's decision and attorney <br />Filla's comments as to the authority of the council and how they can proceed to <br />determine which they wish to do. (Motion passed 5-0). <br />Attorney Filla requested that all meeting tapes be kept on which this matter is <br />discussed. <br />B. Hammes Sand & Gravel Recommendation from PZ on Mining <br />Attorney Filla pointed out at a meeting this year with Mr. Voss, Gleekel, Hammes <br />representatives, and city staff, it was indicated that we would be given ideas of a way in <br />which this matter could be controlled without opening other Agricultural parcels for this <br />use in the City. As of this date, we have yet to see this proposal. This is more than jusl <br />amending the CUP to allow what is now an illegal use on the Hammes' site. <br />Jerry Duffy, John Voss, and Kirsten Rojina, representatives on behalf of Hammes, <br />explained the Hammes operation is far enough away to alleviate concerns about noise <br />levels and dust. On -site recycling of road material is common and sand and gravel <br />operations already have equipment in place to do the recycling. It makes sense that <br />